I've been checking my deviantArt messages (after a very long time) then I spotted something pretty:
Hehe, made by one of my favorite artist. It was really pretty xD Not the greatest of the artist's works, but still really pretty among her latest ones =)
~ BEST NEWS: Who Framed Roger Rabbit sequel! I want it . . badly. Freakin' love the previous movie. *_*
~ I love Jackie Chan but not exactly a hardcore fan of him ^^; Lately I find out he's gonna be making his 100th movie. Wow! I didn't realize he had that many movies already at the age of 55! So awesome O_O He's my idol xD
~ There's gonna be a 3rd Batman movie but Nolan might not be working on it? That will suck though, even if Bale is still there.
~ I wish xtine and I will be able to watch Wolverine on Saturday xD Yay!
~ Magneto will be having his own movie too?! Whoa!
~ I've heard there'll be a movie called Clash of the Titans. I sense mythology stuff. I want that xD
~ Saw the latest Transformers 2 trailer, and it was so awesome *_* I absolutely cannot wait *_* OMG! BUMBLEBEE!!!! xD
~ By the way, I spoiled myself
~ Finally saw the latest episode of Castle last night. Cool that another writer is involved in this case, she's not fictional though. Too bad, the ghosts in the title didn't refer to the paranormal ones xD Haha! I wanted some haunted stuff.
~ Speaking of haunted stuff, Supernatural episode 20 will air tomorrow in my timezone! I absolutely cannot wait *_* Castiel . . . Dean . . Castiel .. . Dean . . . OMG *counts the hours*