YAY for the IchiRuki portion of the
new ED of Bleach xD
Now about some Spring 2009 anime that I watched last night:
@= 07-Ghost - I am happy for fast subs xD I already knew what's going on so I don't have much to add on my impressions on the events in this episode. But when I watched the subs, I realized/remembered a few stuff: When Frau said that there's more than one truth, it reminded me of Shinichi/Conan of Detective Conan who's famous quote is "There's only one truth!" xD Haha! I get what they both mean, and I agree to both of them. Sounds contradicting, isn't it? ^^; Ah, also, I noticed that the way the scenes were presented were so slow. Like the part when Teito jumped out of the window. It was like in slow motion, but I don't think they did it slow motion on purpose, they just did it slow! You get what I mean? ^^; It just doesn't feel real. x_x Is the overall director at fault in this or just the animation director? o_O Or maybe it's just me ^^;
@= Asura Cryin' - Boobs talk and breast touching and other perverted nonsense. I'm also very sick of student councils in school anime. Can't they have a school setting without a damn student council? It's so damn overused! Oh guuuuh~ so many cliches and other stupid nonsense. I have so many complaints but for some reason this series still makes me interested on what will happen next. Perhaps it has something to do with some of the attractive characters, and the mecha + supernatural elements? ^^; But *sigh* this is not a type of series I would want to look forward to every week x_x Hhhmmmm . . . .
@= Hanasakeru Seishounen - I am really amused that Kajika is really madly in love with her pet that she would see a person who looks like it as its reincarnation xD Wahahaha! However, technically, even if you consider the reincarnation thing, it's honestly not possible since the guy is obviously already alive before Mustafa died ^^; But well, I like this insanity of hers xD Wahahaha! And Li-Ren is starting to make me giggle xD Yay jealous bishies~ but man, I think it's pretty obvious that Li-Ren x Kajika is so gonna be canon, but . . .well, more bishies would be fun xD Next one is the blonde guy. And if I remember correctly, that's the one voiced by Jun Fukuyama xD Whee~ Teh guy in this episode is voiced by One Daisuke. And the last one's by Namikawa Daisuke. Oh why so many of my fave seiyuu in one show xD
@= Sengoku Basara - Not as hilarious as the previous episode, but still awesome and funny xD What made me LMAOz so hard is the DVD advertisment though xD Epic hilarious!!!! Wahahaha! I think Date Masamune is my fave character. He's so blue xD LOLz and I really like it when he utters english phrases xD Ya know, everytime I see Masamune and Yukimura duel, I think or RevWar Alfred and Arthur O_O;;;; yes, it has something to do with the Blue VS Red thing. Aaaaahhh!!! I see Hetalia in every series xD LOLz! And oh, about the things that I don't like in this series. . . .I see Kenshin as ghey =_= And the blonde girl . . . her slutness and orgasms annoy the hell out of me =_= but I like the new woman in kimono. SHE'S HOTT!!! I also like the kid with arrows. No comment on the other guy. While Oda Nobunaga . . .I'm not sure how to react xD Wahahaha!
@= Slap Up! Party - Story flow is really stupid. As expected, there are more fantasy shounen cliches. And some member recruitment. Does it have to be one in each of the first few episodes until they're complete? And when are the real villains appearing? Those that showed up so far are too pathetic x_x Ah well, but overall it was okay. And the gunner still freakin' entertains me! xD Wahahahah!
@= Tears to Tiara - Okayz, I take it back. I no longer respect that sacrificial leading lady. She's despicable. I freakin' hate her. There was fanservice and when she was saved, she was pathetically flirting over Arawn and being such an ungrateful sister to Arthur. I like Arawn and Arthur though, but if the good things here are not awesome enough to make up for such an annoying character, this will jsut give me headaches! Too bad, because even with the cliches, it's pretty interesting, but if those new characters to join the gang will jsut be pretty women that go moe or who can fight somehow . . . sorry, that's not my kind of series x_x But it's not bad to marathon if I have time to waste. Hhhhmmm . . .
@= Valkyria Chronicles - It's doing okay as usual. I'm pretty amused with the light blue tank. It's so . . .girly xD Wahahah! I only noticed the different coloring style in this series. There are like watercolorish brush strokes on hair, clothes, etc. (I am sorry if I dunno how to describe them properly . . . but they are pretty xD). Welkin wanting to retreat in such a casual way reminded me of Fan from Tytania xD Haha! But damn, why the freakin' hell is the goldilocks haired girl still there? She's freakin' useless and annoying and I hope she'll die! I don't think she's part of the main squad (thank goodness) but still, please get her off the cast already!!! Aaaaarrrggghh . . . . when I saw her faint I wanted to imagine her to be dead for real =_=
I think I'll go finish my final watchlist by tonight. But ya know, at the moment my mind is more occupied on one of the best news I've heard of so far:
HETALIA SECOND SEASON! F*CK YES! (~gosh, my inbox got flooded with that post O_O Haha!) So I guess the numero uno in my watch list this coming summer or the season after it is already very obvious xD Ohohohoho!!! And I absolutely wouldn't mind if the anime will plan to make even more seasons xD Wheee