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Canta ~ lyrics copied from the pv sub of Hatsuyuku AAsasubs
No, it's so not obvious that I'm very excited for the Pandora Hearts anime tomorrow xD LOLz man I am so excited to see my twisted OTP on screen *_* Also this beloved character:
No, it's not obvious that Oz is my favorite xD Haha! Oh I love his twisted personality. He's crack, evil, idiotic, awesome, saintly, goodlooking, and overall lovable xD It's is no surprise that his servant and his contractor love him so much xD Kyaaa ♥
[ TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC ] By the way, I'm also not a very obvious fan of Hetalia's Gilbo x Arthur and Gilbo x Elizaveta xD Haha! Because I tried adding them in the
List of Fanon Pairings and a page for
my fave hetero pairing at Hetalia Wikia Archive. Hehe. And of course I have not forgotten to add
Arthur's relationship with Alfred on his profile page either. An Arthur page without Alfred is jsut so wrong xD I'll still edit them though, because I just typed everything in a rush so I just put there whatever came to my mind ^^; I should be adding pictures too. And oh, feel free to correct me if I've made mistakes. Also if there are anything that I've missed xD Hehe.
Lastly, I love this new icon of Gilbo and Arthur I'm using xD It's RARE to see icons of them together. It would be so wrong of me not to have it xD Haha!