I just noticed that my main fandom categories consist of five letters xD Haha! Anywayz, updates on each:
=== ANIME: Japanese animation ===
As usual, I'm only updated to Hetalia and Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou. Starting tonight perhaps I'll go serious in catching up many of the fall 2008 and winter 2009 anime that I'm so behind already. There are a lot of interesting new anime coming up this month, and I don't think my hard drive can make it ^^;
=== MANGA: Japanese comics ===
Hetalia scanlations will always be my top priority, but updates on those aren't exactly everyday ^^; Only manga that updates on a regular basis that I follow is Baku-man ^^; With the rest I shall wait for a miracle impatiently, *sigh* But of course I shall also be downloading my other favorites at once as soon as latest scanlations are out xD (e.g. 07-ghost, dogs, akagami no shirayukihime, deadman wonderland, nodame cantabile, etc.). There are many manga series I want to catch up on too (e.g. d. gray-man, KHR, fairy tail, etc.) but I dunno if I can manage to download and read all those with my many pending series at the moment x_x
=== DRAMA: Asian drama or tv series ===
I haven't been watching asian drama for like months x_x As soon as I find the time, I'll try to finish Liar Game and Bloody Monday. I've also been searching for The Devil. I hope I can find it in an anime expo next Saturday (sometimes they sell asian drama too).
=== SERIE: Western tv series or drama ===
I think it's so damn obvious that Supernatural is my number one priority xD And there's a new episode today and I'm so watching it as soon as possible xD Dean and Castiel ♥
I'm catching up on Heroes, I've seen upto episode 11 now . . . 8 to go O_O;;;
Same with The Legend of the Seeker, 6 episodes down, around 12 to go O_O;;;
The new series I'm checking out will be finished (in download) soon. I'll try to catch up on The Dresden Files and The Mentalist. And many others later. Ack so many x_x
=== MOVIE: film, documentaries, etc. ===
Latest movie I've seen in theaters is Watchmen. Latest movie I've seen in fake dvd . . . I can't remember x_x I have lots of movies in dvds that I haven't seen yet x_x Oh when to watch O_O;;;
I'll be hanging out with friends next Saturday and I wish to watch a movie on that day too. But I dunno what good movie will be airing on that week o_O;;;
=== NOVEL: fictional novels, young adult, etc. ===
I'm around 65% done on the novel I'm reading: The Rule of Four. It didn't get me hooked like The Book Thief, but it's pretty good. I don't know if I will agree to the reviews that are saying that it's hell better than The Da Vinci Code. But this one had crack, so I guess this had been more entertaining to me. Haha.
Next novel to read . . .I have so many to choose from x_x My bookshelf is actually full already x_x I need to arrange/keep/store stuff to add more space tonight ^^;
=== COMIC: Western or Non-Japanese comic strips and graphic novels ===
Oh I only get to read these occasionally (only when I get to read newspapers). The strips that I always read are the Calvin and Hobbes and the Pugad Baboy (local comics) ones . . . they never fail to impress and entertain me xD I wish there will be cheaper book compilations of those titles, so I could buy them *_*
=== TOONS: Western cartoons and animation ===
I haven't been watching any of that lately. *sigh* I dunno any new cartoons now after Danny Phantom and Kids Next Door ^^; I'm also very behind Avatar and I dunno if I could catch up at all O_O;;;
Gaaaahh . . . so many O_O;;;; and I also need to catch up on friends list O_O;;; eeeeeeep . . .