=== TOP OBSESSION: Axis Powers Hetalia ===
Latest Hilarious Scanlations:
here and
here Bwahahahaha xD I was already laughing at the raw picture of Alfred cosplaying as Arthur (whose flags on the nipples was absolute LOLz) but being able to understand Alfred's line made it more hilarious for me xD Bwahahahha! Oh these too!
They are also the stars of the "We're shipwrecked too" strips. Arthur was being adorable xD while Alfred was being a jerk ^^; Oh it was so cute of Arthur to be amazed with the little fantasy creatures and him losing things easily xD And he was so huggable that though he's annoyed to be stuck with Alfred, he attempted to save them both and he got worried about Alfred going to the forest alone =3 And him being cold and indirectly asking Alfred for warmth was soooo CUTE! Oh Arthur <3
While Alfred . . . thought the raft was a bed made for him xD Bwahahha. you bad boy! He keeps on saying that being with Arthur is the worst thing ever and had just acted like a jerk the whole time. Alfred, you're in denial!!! Hahahaha! How could you be so cruel when Arthur had been giving hints xD Hahahahaha!!!!
I love the other strips too =3 Especially Gilbo going "Wahaha!" xD LOLz
FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! xD I've seen all episodes of Supernatural upto the latest, which is episode 15:
It's so obvious that my favorite scene there is when Castiel showed up and when he was talkign with Dean xD Oh they're adorable. Castiel's so huggable *_*
There are alsoready
preview trailers and
promo pics of the next episode.
What Sam was doing worried me o_O But well . . . YAY to more Castiel xD I saw a bloody Dean and Castiel too . . . oh seeing them hurt makes me feel hurt too ;_; though bloody looks make them sexy too. I totally can't wait =3 Castiel's actor had revealed much more interesting spoilers
in an interview. It has something to do with him and Uriel, oh can't wait *_*
Speaking of the two, I just found a
deleted scene from episode 10:
Believe it or not, I got all these novels for less than 500 pesos xD Whee:
The Venetian Betrayal by Steve Berry
I haven't read any of Steve Berry's books, neither the one I already have (The Third Secret) but I have a feeling that I will, so when I found a cheap copy of this one, I bought it at once xD Besides, it has something to do with Alexander the Great . . .enough to capture my interest =3
Human Traces by Sebastian Faulks
It's a historical setting, friendship between a French and a British guy, both have beloved siblings, and story involves psychiatry/psychology. This is fanservice to me xD Haha.
The Foreshadowing by Marcus Sedgwick
World War 1 setting, a girl who can see the future and wants to save her brother. I'm a sucker for historical + sibling love + psychich or premonition stuff. Me likey xD
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
It's a childhood favorite. I remember, thoguh vaguely, the cartoon and movie (with real people) version of this. I wanna know the original version.
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
I usually don't like stories that have animals as main characters, but this one is about a HORSE. I freakin' love horses. I used to like staring at the horse on its cartoon/movie versions as a kid (because I didn't understand the story at all before), so why not? =3
The Stolen Child by Keith Donohue
A kid got stuck in another world and another being took his place. It was interesting but actually not enough to make me buy it. But the authors of "The TIme Traveler's Wife" and "The Last Unicorn" loved it, so I think it must be pretty good *_*