~ Hetalia Fever ~ È il diciannove febbraio

Feb 19, 2009 21:03

YAAAAAY! annako had fulfilled my Gilbert x Elizaveta request xD (other art pieces over there were also awesome by the way . . . especially the sexy Gilberts and Arthurs *_*) I am so evil for being delighted to see Gilbo being tortured this way xD Haha!
And I have also downloaded the tracks of the third drama cd. The cast talk seemed . . so long o_O And the new year track . . . I don't remember it from the manga ^^; But I'm happy to hear Yao and Elizaveta there xD Wheee! And omg I believe the second track is about Kiku's modrnization xD Francis was so ROFL! Is it just me or do I really hear him do kissing/smooching noises? xD LOL! I love Arthur forever. While Alfred, OMG he's so LOUD and CRAZY! xD I was listening to this drama cd at the office and I always needed to lower the volume whenever Alfred speaks xD Oh I laughed it so much on the part when he was saying "I love you" to the whales xD Bwahahahhaa!
Hetalia Drama CD's ROCK!

This was the video you were talking about in one of my previous entries, right jkly04? I just saw it today . . . I haven't seen the raw of it, but I'm glad it was subbed now. I downloaded this at the office and I was about to watch it too but I didn't have a codec there ^^; (I just borrowed a pc form an officemate in order to surf the internet). It was actually a good thing that I wasn't able to watch it at the office . . .because OMG I CRIED!!!! I cry everytime I rewatch it even. Reminds me of the Mikage and Teito manga scenes from 07-Ghost . . . they also make me cry no matter how many times I reread them ;_; BAAAAAAAAWWWW!!!!!! THESE MAKE ME SAD BUT I LOVE 'EM OH WHY DO I TORTURE MYSELF SO! ;___;
Further talk about the AMV:

The star of the video for me is so damn obvious xD Oh I love how this artis draws Arthur *_* So handsome and cute and huggable and squeeable . . . IN OTHER WORDS SO DAMN GORGEOUS!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! =3

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW to the crying Arthur scenes ;___; CRYING ARTHUR ALSO MAKES ME CRY!!!! I love seeing him cry BECAUSE HE'S CUTE NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES but . . . it also MAKES ME SO SAD ;_______; OH ARTHUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*

Crying Arthur was already saddening, the artist even included a CRYING GILBO!!!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! GILBO YOU ONLY CRY WHEN YOU ARE SO HAPPY TO BE ALONE but oh I can imagine him crying over his favorite boss too . . . BAAAAAAAWWWWWWW GILBO!!!!!!!!!! *huggles*
There are other nation-tans featured there too . . . and they are also drawn so awesomely *_* I love the artist's taste in pairings xD

Back to Arthur:

Arthur reminiscing his days with young America . . . OH THEY WERE SO SWEET AND CUTE!!!! Seeing them not as the past would certainly make me glee so much, but seeing these as happy memories of the sad present day makes me BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWw ;___; Oh Arthur and young Alfred!!!!

Alfred had some reminiscing too. OH THE PHOTO *_* And his delusions of a happy to a bloody Arthur O_O . . .. . Arthur was always genuinely when he was around you Alfred!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW


And oh, wishfull2 had mentioned these in the sub entry:
According to the uploader, when Alfred came to Kiku, he was saying "頼んだよ" ("You asked, " )
And when Kiku chased after Alfred, he told Alfred "私では駄目なんです" "あなたがいないと" (" With me " which is useless; " Unless you are, ")
When Alfred hugged Arthur at the end he said: "本当に君は俺がいないとダメだな" (" Truly as for you unless we is, useless shelf " )
And at the end where Alfred and Arthur held their hand out to Kiku, Alfred said this: "君がいないのに彼が笑うと思う?」" (" Although you are not, that he laughs, you think?”")

* translations in parentheses are according to babelfish translations. Grammaticaly wrong, but somehow we can get the main point in the messages ^^;

OH HETALIA DRAMA!!!! WHY AM I ASKING FOR DRAMA AND TRAGEDY FROM A COMEDY SERIES???!!! xD OH THESE ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I hope the artist makes more lovely videos like this *_* I can never get enough of Arthur (Oh will my dream of a Gilbo + Arthur video like this ever come true? ^^;). *_* I love Hetalia and its fandom xD

otp, hetalia, cool videos, fan art, bishie, plugs

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