Last of the Valentines Strips scanlated! xD I am so happy that Gilbert was there because even though he wasn't really in a relationship (HE'S HAPPY TO BE ALONE AFTER ALL xD LOLZ), he's the star of the Valentines strips for me xD OMG SO EPIC AWESOME!
Awesome that he could write that fast xD And he thought of a prank so epic retarded that fast too xD ROFL! I love this bad boy =3
I love his adoration to Fritz xD LOL! Oh Gilbo . . .you and your master plan xD You oh so love making Roderich miserable . . .. please continue xD BWAHAHAHAH! I wish what was inside the book will be revealed though. It's gotta be so damn hilarious xD Bwahahhaa!
He'll indirectly made his dear little brother miserable too xD LOLz. I know that even if he called Ludwig some muscle-bound-crazy guy . . . I know he loves his little brother xD I remember from his profile that he calls Ludwig affectionately. xD KYAAAA!!! If only he knew it was for Ludwig, perhaps he wouldn't have been that mean xD LOL!
But I'm still happy it happened xD Hahaha!
Whoa . . . speaking of brothers . . . I see my favorites connection again. Gilbert's like Dean from Supernatural. Both are funny and retarded and EPIC AWESOME and . . . . they are the older brothers . . . and they're shorter than their little brothers . . . and they love their little brothers . . . . I LOVE FAVE BISHIES CONNECTIONS xD
Alright, back to stips:
Of course translations aren't mine but
from the community's generous scanlators xD I just saved these particular strips to my journal because though I love the whole strip, I love seeing these parts with Gilbo over and over and over again xD Wahahahahha!!!!
Okayz, now about the whole strip in general: Roderich and Elizaveta were so lovely xD I wish they did more romantic stuff too xD And oh Roderich with his hair down made me drool *_* And oh Ludwig . . . you are so following by the book and even Elizaveta thinks that they're amusing and oh how much you had embarassed yourself xD ROFL! Your brain's overloading with new emotions xD Bwahahaha! Oh you're actually happy that Feliciano came to your life xD He isn't aware xD ROFL! And last parts show hints that he really is HRE with amnesia xD Squeee! I am a sucker for childhood romance xD While Feliciano still has no clue on what's going on even though he was just given a tomato ring (and he actually took it, LOLz) . . . .bwahahahhahahaha xD
Oh shet Himaruya-san, you know fanservice xD Please continue this already because I SAW A NEXT BUTTON IN THAT CHIBITALIA SCENE from your site xD There's gotta be more xD LOLz It's not yet over. Some things aren't explained yet. xD Bwahahahhahahahahahha!!!!!
Hopefully no yaoi scene though o_O Tease me like this is fine . .. just no yaoi in Hetalia . . . . it scares me o_o;;;; but knowing hetalia, perhaps they'll just be jokes . . . oh I hope they are jokes . . . serious ones scare me o_o;;;; Speaking of yaoi . . . many doujinshi lately have such . . . I'm scared . . . but art is pretty and fave characters involved . . . evil o_o;;;;