YAAAY! Simon xD I love all Simons but my favorite is the one with the ring xD Oh I can't wait for the second movie *_*
~ I watched a bit of the local news minutes ago while eating dinner, and some keywords that I remember hearing: American troops, US Embassy, and President Obama. Seriously, the Philippines loves America. I freakin' wish Himaruya-sama will create a Philippines-tan already because I am very very sure he or she will be madly in love with Alfred xD Wahahahha!
~ Himaruya-sama . . . how could you have such
an adorable pet?! *_* I am very very JEALOUS *_*
~ Whoops! I still haven't done the voice clip and fanart/message for the hetalia projects x_x Please don't be so strict in deadlines ^^; I'll try to get them done by the weekend . . .latest ^^;
~ My brother and I are finally done with Supernatural season 1 xD Wheee! It had been awesome! I so love it xD We will be watching season 2 as soon as we can xD
~ I'm finally done with The Separation and I like it ^_^ I'll be doing a review someday. But I'll do that in my
Blogger account. I plan to dump most novel related stuff there xD It's still disorganized . . . I'll arrange stuff there soon. But this LJ one is still my main journal xD
~ I' currently reading Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes novel) and I'm already halfway on it. After it will be Sign of Four. It's two novels in one ^^; I'm in a hurry to finish it because
xtine06is gonna borrow it on Saturday xD So far so good. I already like Holmes, and finally reading a novel of him made me love him even more xD
~ I'll have a DVD exchange with
xtine06on Saturday too. Whoa, she has so many Jdramas xD I'm excited to get soooo many goodies form here =3
~ I have 2 DVD's to return on Saturday too x_x but I haven't watched either of them ^^; So my TV series watching might put on hold for a bit until I finish watching them ^^;
~ On Saturday, my buddies and I plan to hang out at the mall xD I'm very excited! Haven't seen my sistahs for a long while already xD
~ I'm busier at work recently o_o I'm not . . .used to it xD Haha! I got used to boredom at the workplace xD But I'm more productive if I have more tasks to do. So I guess this is good ^^;
~ I still watch anime and read manga but I plan to sum them up in my post xD Maybe tomorrow or on Friday ^^; Ehehe.
~ I have asked a friend to buy DVD's for me . . .and my list had been pretty long . . .and when she finally got them, they've cost me more than a thousand pesos O_O . . . ohmygod . . . and there are many novels I plan to buy during the weekend O_O;;;;; Why is it so much easier to spend money than to save them xD LOL!
~ Sorry if I haven't replied to many friends entries ;_; Will catch up as soon as I can ^^;