Here's a preview of the sketch of one of the fanarts I'm working on:
It's based on the novel "The Separation" by Christopher Priest. It's about the story of British twins during the WWII. Since they're British, I thought of drawing them as Arthurs xD Ohohoho!!!!
I bought it because I'm a sucker for historical fiction; Britain and World War stuff will remind me of Hetalia; and British Identical twin boys is fanservice to me xD Ohohoho!!!
So yes, I'm making fanarts of the novel in Hetalia style =3 So in a way, a fanart of two different mediums/title xD Haha!
I'm not yet done in reading the novel though ^^; (I don't read everyday) but around 170+ pages only to go. xD
Other novels I bought . . . just today O_O (I think I've been buying novels every week x_x I haven't mentioned those I bought last week and last month yet x_x Aaaahhhh =P):
>> Morrigan's Cross by Nora Roberts
I've heard Nora Roberts is more on romance novels. I'm not fond of mushy novels ^^; Though I was able to read one of her novels back in high school (Seduction in Death) and I thought it was okay . . .during that time . . .but I couldn't read it anymore x_x
But what made me buy a novel of hers now?
It was because one time at PowerBooks when I was looking around, I saw a book cover with a PRETTY BLUE BUTTERFLY! xD LOL! Oh simple things like that attract me xD LOL! And the title's Morrigan's Cross.
I read the plot and saw that it has paranormal fantasy stuff (sorcery, time travelling, shape shifting, vampires, etc.), which I'm fond of xD, and what got me to like it even more is that . . . .there are TWIN BOYS *_* I am not sure if they are identical though x_x Preferrable identical xD Ohohohoho!!!! I'll know when I get to read it.
I look forward to the brotherly love in this. The main character was like out for revenge because the main villain did something bad to his beloved twin xD From reviews it was mentioned that there are loads of mushy love scenes though -_- Uuuuhhh . . .. I should prepare myself for that x_x
>> The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
I often see this in Bestsellers spots in bookstores before. I had wanted to buy it but it was too expensive for me ^^; But now I was able to spot it in a bargain book store xD Wheeeee! So I bought it at once =3
>> The Unforgettable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Based on the Original Radio Play by Anthony Boucher and Dennis Green) by H. Paul Jeffers
I don't really know that radio play that the book's referring to . . . but it's Sherlock Holmes! Must have! xD I didn't check if there are story duplicates with the other Sherlock Holmes Adventures book I have . . . hopefully none ^^;
>> Study in Scarlet and Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle
Two novels in one! Wheeeee!!!! xD I wouldn't have known that these are also Sherlock Holmes novels if it weren't for Detective Conan (an anime/manga series) xD Hahahaha! But I wonder if these novels really aren't that thick o_O It was a two-in-one book and it's just as thick as a Hound of Baskerville's one . . .fom what I remember (I found that book before in a bargain bookstore but I didn't buy it because there were highlights! As in of a highlight marker. I get annoyed with those ^^;) But when I checked it didn't seem like a kiddie version x_x
Aside from those, I also have three new books from my grandma: A Basic Spanish book and two Basic Japanese ones.
The Spanish book is a kiddie version, as in there are illustrations and stuff. One of the Japanese books teaches how to speak only (so no Japanese characters) but it has more than a hundred pages so I could learn many from it. The other one has writing included (hiragana, katakana, and kanji) and provides a few sample words (yeah, no conversations).
What great timing, just when I've thought of wanting to learn more Spanish and practice my Japanese (because I want to understand as many as possible once Hetalia airs . . .I can't wait for subs xD Haha)