See My Dark Side

Nov 28, 2008 20:01

(off-topic: art is very very pretty) Ivan has some sort of a disorder, right? How could that freaky childish attitude of his be not a disorder? LOL! But oh well, I think I have a disorder as well.
I have had experiences with the supernatural.
I have little interest in getting to know other people. (depends)
People sometimes find it hard to understand what I am saying.
I think other people are out to get me.
I am aware that people notice me whenever I go out in public.
I prefer to keep to myself.
I have odd ways of thinking.
I have trouble concentrating for long periods of time.
TOTAL: 7 (only one not bolded O_O)

People have to earn my trust.
I am overly confident in my own knowledge and abilities.
I'm always searching for hidden meanings in things.
I am quick to challenge the loyalty of friends and loved ones.
People find me cold and distant.
I always blame other people for my mistakes.
I carry grudges against people.
I have trouble with setbacks.
TOTAL: 1 (now this time only one is bolded o_o weird, I always thought I was pretty paranoid xD)

I avoid relationships.
I rarely show emotion.
I prefer to be alone. (sometimes.)
I do not need attention or acceptance.
People rarely find me funny or I have trouble finding humor in things.
I have been called a loner.
I have weak social skills.
I have difficulty expressing anger.

I have been arrested or have done something that could get me arrested.
I believe that people who get taken advantage of are weak and deserve to be used.
I lie a lot.
I have been caught stealing or I have stolen more than three things in my life.
I do things without thinking of the consequences.
Sometimes I can be aggressive.
I am more concerned with my needs than other people's needs. (I admit, I'm a pretty selfish person, of course not all the time ^^;)
I don't care how others feel or I have no empathy.

My moods change a lot.
I have very low self esteem.
Sometimes I have trouble controlling my anger.
I have hurt myself or I still am hurting myself.
I have attempted suicide or still have constant thoughts of suicide.
I think that someone is either all good or all bad, there is no in between.
I have unstable relationships.
I am often depressed. (not often)

I am constantly seeking attention.
I like being the center of attention.
I often find myself interrupting people so that I am in control of the conversation.
I love compliments and praise.
I have/ still do dress provocatively.
I exaggerate things like illnesses to gain attention.
I believe that everyone loves me.
I can sometimes be manipulative.

It's all about me.
I expect others to see me as superior.
I am very picky about who I am friends with. (only with super close friends. friends sometimes make who you are. bad company is not a good thing)
Not everyone is worthy enough to be my friend.
I usually make good first impressions.
I have trouble keeping long lasting friendships/relationships.
I like taking advantage of people.
I have fantasies of being famous, powerful, or beautiful.

I am anxious in social situations.
I sometimes avoid situations where I have to interact with people.
I'm afraid of rejection.
I'm afraid of embarrassing myself in front of others.
I tend to find all the bad things about trying out new things in order to avoid them.
I create fantasy worlds that I like to go to.
I want to be popular and have lots of friends, but I feel like I am unable to do this.
People see me as unfriendly and withdrawn. (some people really do ;_; baaaw)
TOTAL: 8 O_O shet

I'd rather live my whole life with someone taking care of me. (not totally, I just can't imagine myself handling all house chores xD haha)
I can't make it on my own. (depends, not on everything like just going to the toilet or commuting to a certain place)
I tend to cling to people and fear losing them.
Whenever I fear I may lose someone or I have lost someone, I may become suicidal.
I let others make decisions for me.
I tend to jump from relationship to relationship.
I would remain in an abusive relationship.
I am deeply hurt by the smallest bit of criticism.

I like things to be perfect and in order.
I have to do everything the "right" way or my way.
I set high standards for myself and others. (depends)
I am very critical of other people.
I'm afraid of making mistakes. (who's not? x_x)
I am not very generous when it comes to my time or money. (depends, like if it's for a project, I'm okay, but if it means giving alms, no way)
I think rules are meant to be followed.
I am very devoted to work.

(Check which you bolded the most)
The Personality Disorder I have is: Avoidant. (perfect score), followed by Schizotypal. Then Obsessive Compulsive. O_O

I stole this from
ameryume by the way xD

hetalia, moi, meme, topak

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