Spring Anime Episode Talks

May 13, 2008 19:56

Oh my god . . . I'm watchign too many shows this season  . . . and here is JUST ten of them x_x My brain's cracking up, yet I still watch more *_*

>> Himitsu episode 3

- You know one of the things I love with this series? It involves cases that are so highly controversial! I am intrigued xD The case in episode 2 and 3 are based form the manga, so of course the case is awesome. xD
- Maki . . . IS FREAKIN' COOL YET ADORABLE!!!!!!! squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD *glomps*
- I am starting to dislike Aoki x_x . . . his type . . is really . . .not my type xD
- They removed the oedipus complex from the intro chapter of the manga but they added an incest x_X Well, incest is more tolerable for me than oedipus complex . .  but still, they didn't need to add it ^^; . . .but oh well ^^; It's not official anywayz, hehe
- SUBS HURRY! I WANT MORE MAKI!!! *_* I am slowly getting used to his anime version xD Maki is still Maki! xD

>> Amatzuki episode 4

- I've read the manga version of this part. So no surprises . . . but the anime version is really done well *_*
- It's official, I ship Toki x Kureha *_*
- Bonten wanting to use . . .whatever his name's feathers as a pillow made me ROFL xD haha! You are so crack

>> The Daughter of Twenty Faces episode 4

- the mission's stealing a sapphire gem. I love sapphires!!! hence, my username xD Oh it's so pretty *_*
- Chiko sure had become so skillful in just a year. It's pretty hard to believe if ya ask me . . . for a girl who was slowly being poisoned in the past ^^; But still, she's remarkable ^_^
- I kinda wish that Chiko is truly the phantom thief's daughter xD It will be too predictable for a twist but . . .I like their father-daughter relationship xD
- I like Ken and the guy who speaks german xD So fun xD Hehe.

>> Library Wars episode 5

- I love those three boys in the screenshot xD They are so fun.
- I don't really like Iku. I find it strange beacause I usually like tomboys x_X But . . .I dunno . . . maybe she's too stupid for me? ^^; And the voice Marina Inoue used for her is the stupid version, like the voice she used for Kana from Minami-Ke, unlike the tough sexy chick voice she uses for Yoko of TTGL and Chiri of SZS
- Though I don't like Iku, I like Doujo x Iku. A funny pairing xD Haha!
- I like Iku's best friend though xD She's nice . . .at the same time evil xD Haha!

>> Kyouran Kazoku Nikki episode 4 and 5

- I'm so impatient . . .so I downloaded the RAWs *_* I don't udnerstand a thign of course ^^;
- Oh I love Ouka x Kyouka . . . they had a little moment on the latest episode. It was an Ouka semi-confession xD But I still wish Kyouka to look like her age ;_;
- I love Ouka . . . he's so cute . . especially without hsi glasses xD . . . and he has a dark childhood . . . niiiiice *_*
- I also love Ginka. That gay amuses me a LOT!!!! xD I also love him in manly mode xD Kyaaa!
- I am also a Ginka x Chika shipper *_* Their relationship is so cute and sweet and funny xD Haha! I love it when Chika tortures him xD LOL! And whoa . . .I think this is my first OTP wherein I'm pairing a gay with a girl xD LOL!

>> Vampire Knight episode 6

- I hate Yuuki . .. but I can't believe she's aiming to be in Miaka's level x_x (yes, Miaka from FY). I don't remember if she did it as well in the manga, but does she really need to remove her jacket for Zero to suck her blood? She's more like begging to be raped, ya know x_x But unfortunately, Zero needs blood to remain sane. *sigh*
- Yes, no matter what, I'll bebias to Zero xD
- Is it just me or Zero's master is drawn more handsome in the anime than in the manga *_*
- So far what I'm seeing in VK is angst here and there then some Yuuki whoring -_- . . . .I want more crack and more of the vampires! Forget Yuuki! She's having too much spotlight. Jeez -_-

>> Nabari no Ou episode 6

- It's an episode with lots of Yoite . . . how could I not love this? xD
- I didn't notice it much in the manga, but in the anime, Yoite sure talked a lot o_o
- I am still not used to hearing Mitsuki Saiga's voice in a non-bratty character xD LOL!
- Many are getting annoyed to Yoite's emo talks . . . .but I love it x_x This is the moe that I adore xD Squeee! Oh you poor dear!!!! You've got blood on your mouth xD And you feel like you're dead . . . and you are so cute when moping to mr. corner . . . YOU ADORABLE DARLING!!! *glomps*
- I would really want to see a subbed version of this. It really puzzles me how Yoite and Miharu became super duper close after Yoite had injured him badly once and also almost killed him another time x_x
- Kouichi . . . getting mad and making Kumohira snap out of it . . . is bloody awesome *_*
- Thobari going crazy upon seeing Miharu again is so adorable!!!!!!!!! xD
- And oh, forgot to add about the previous episode, there was an anime original Kouichi x Raimei moment there *_* She didn't blush on what Miharu said but with what Kouichi said she did xD Oh anime! I love you for being a fellow Kouichi x Raimei fan xD LOL!

>> xxxHolic Kei episode 6

- it's a filler . . . but any episode with Watanuki is always love xD
- they even made the vestral and rain sprite have a role here xD YAAAAAAAYYY!!!! I miss that dear angel ^_^

>> Kyou Kara Maou episode 6

- I thought this episode won't have any Wolfram goodness . . . but man I was so wrong xD
- That imagination of Yuuri and Wolfram wedding and a wedding cake!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! but sadly, because of that, I don't think such a scene would ever happen x_x You know, usually in anime/manga, stuff that the characters imagine don't actually happen ^^; So it's either the wedding will never happen . . . .. or the wedding will be much better than that scene xD
- Murata's "love letter" to Yuuri is sooooooo cute xD
- I love Shinou and Murata related stuff *_*
- Yuuri and Wolfram + hats = CUTE; Yuuri and Wolfram + hats + shades = ROFL 
- I so wanna see the next episode *_* I love seeing Wolfie on a dress xD

>> Code Geass episode 6

- Rollo to the rescue! Lelouch should be nice to him. Rollo saved his ass a lot.
- I am so touched with Lelouch's love for his sister ;_; The end was tragic though ;_; Nunally chose Suzaku . . not knowing that Zero's her brother . . . oh the drama ;_;
- As a Lelouch x C.C. shipper, I love the scene when they were having a conversation with C.C. on a big screen xD hehe. She even has Cheese-kun with her xD Kyaa!
- Oh Lloyd is so evil to use Schneizel's anme for his expenses xD LOL!
- I still don't like the idea of Lloyd being under the command of Suzaku x_x I can get used to Suzaku being causual to Schneizel, because they're like brothers-in-law if only Euphie . . .*sniff* . . .anywayz . . . .I still can't forgive Suzaku for hitting Lloyd T_T
- Kaguya still considering Zero as her husband is love xD Haha!
- I don't hate Nunally . . . but she's being too loved by Lelouch . . . characters that are TOO LOVED . . . annoy me x_x
- V.V. is the emperor's older brother??? And the emperor is considered like a kid by V.V.?!!!! SHOCKING O_O
- And no, I don't approve of the idea/theory of C.C. being Lelouch's ancestor xD Can't be . . . can't be xD
- Next episode intrigues me . . .what's with the screenshot of Lelouch and Rollo being . . so . . CLOSE O_O
I better put my spring anime favorites ranking soon. . . probably tomorrow ^^;

screenshots, himitsu, otp, nabari no ou, kyouran kazoku nikki, bishie, clamp, code geass, episode talk, kyou kara mao, amatsuki, anime, vampire knight

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