KKM and Code Geass Scans

Apr 13, 2008 21:23

Oooo . . . found images from two of my most anticipated series lately xD

>> Kyou Kara Maou

This is my most favorite KKM season 3 group image so far xD Sooooo cute xD

Those who are spoiled on KKM season 3 will most likely be aware that Wolfram broke his engagement to Yuuri, then Yuuri went after him in his castle, and they had this duel. The two-page spread is the two of them dueling, then on the lower right corner are scenes of some of their moments from the previous season *_* What does this mean??? =3

Lovely to see another Yuuri x Wolfram pic xD From the thumbail I though Wolfie was in his night gown, but now I see he's in jeans and in pink. No complains . . . but he would be cuter in night gown though xD LOL! I miss it xD Haha!

Oh shet . . . the anime is making me worry and get excited about my OTP at the same time x_x I want more moments of my OTP damnit xD Episode 3 where? xD Hehehehe

>> Code Geass

Code Geass is so damn popular. . . . lotsa images of this series in the magazines *_*

Faves so far:

Lovely group pic *_* C.C. is so pretty xD And Gino!!! Wheee! xD

In R2 pics, Lelouch is either at the center, or next to Rollo or C.C.!!!! xD Oh I love it xD

This one is just a cleaned version of a cover of a magazine before. My favorite Lelouch x C.C. pic of the second season xD I love this xD

I'm a little disturbed on where Lelouch's right hand is though o_O (He's like touching her breast, ya know o_O) But oh well, sexually intriguing Lelouch x C.C. pics is nothing new xD

code geass, otp, mag scans, kyou kara mao

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