Pearl 1

Feb 09, 2009 21:23 head...

Wait... what's going on? I...I can't seem to remember...anything.
Why? What happened to me?

I seem to be sitting in a big body of water... Wait! That's not right! How am I just floating here?

*A giant fish-tail moves from out of the water*

A-Ahh!! T-This can't be mine!
Ohh... *puts both hands on his head and craddles it*

First things first, I know I have a name. Yes...



...Why is the only thing coming to mind 'Husky'? That can't be my name can it? It makes me feel...annoyed. *sigh* Nothing else is coming to me though.

I guess I'll just swim to shore and figure out what's going on from there.
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