Glee crushes xD

Oct 24, 2009 13:25


That girl does unspeakable things to me. After watching a few Youtube videos of Lea singing live and on Broadway... I totally fell in love. My god, her voice is nothing short of AMAZING. Then I stumbled over THIS video where she's singing in a pub (2007), and I completely lost my shit. No kidding. She is, literally, oozing sexy outta her pores.

image Click to view

Seriously, how freakin' hot is her black vest top? And OMG the way her hips moved while she sang? I nearly DIED. xD Lea can totally be a rocker chick!


He is so fucking hot as Mr S. GOD DAMN. Watched this week's Glee and holy SHIT, that guy can fucking dance and rap. Guuuh. The chemistry between him and Emma was INTENSE.


And I have a mini-guy crush on Puck. I hated him at the beginning of the series but whoaaaaa, he actually has a really nice voice. Better than Finn's. And Puck is kinda hot when he's not being a jerk. Oh oh oh! AND the actor is such a gentleman! He says "ma'am" at the beginning of this Aussie interview and I couldn't help but swoon. xD

I'm now off to youtube more awesome Lea Michele videos... guuuh, I can't get enough of her!

[WARNING: There might be some spoilers in the comments. Proceed with caution. =P]

mark salling, lea michele, matthew morrison, glee

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