Fuck, my heart is broken. ='(

Apr 16, 2009 21:38

Shit. I knew I shouldn't have read the fucking spoilers on Charlie/Joey!

Fuck. I want to cry now.

Is Home & Away always THIS filled with drama? One minute you're completely happy and then the next second, you're heartbroken and wanting to burst into tears?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.


For anyone who wants to be devastated, disappointed and feel completely cheated of a good storyline, you can click: here, here and here. (Credit: scans by someone on AE)


Other people who don't want to be spoiled: YOU ARE LUCKY! I want to be in the happy bubble of Charlie/Joey love!

PS. And sign the Charlie/Joey petition please!

Can someone please turn back the time so I don't go ANYWHERE near those spoilers? Fuck. *cries*

charlie/joey, spoiler, home and away

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