I finally had some time to watch last week's Dollhouse 1x06 "Man On The Street" and I'm so so very glad that I decided to continue watching Dollhouse BECAUSE THIS EP WAS SO FUCKING GOOD!!!
- This ep was definitely Whedon-made - the surprise twists and THE FUCKING AWESOME ACTION SCENES! It was jam-packed with delicious stuff!
- YES MAURIE LAURIE IS A DOLL! I KNEW IT!!! I suspected it when she first appeared in bare feet across the hall from the FBI agent, Paul!
- How unbelievably Faith-like was Eliza in the fight scene towards the end?!?! THE POSE WITH HER CLUTCHING THE KITCHEN KNIFE reminded me of Faith with her Mayor-given knife... oh, the memories! AND when she did that flip on her feet like that, I was transported back to Buffy when Faith did the fucking same EXACT flip on the feet thing!! *shakes head* So freakishly similar! Eliza looked SO damn gorgeous in that scene... the hair, the clothes (even though it was a grey hoodie over a simple black tank and pants), the black boots... GUH, HOT.
FAITHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *simultaneously freaks/squee/flails/drools/dies*
YES, A WOMAN CAN DOMINATE A GUY! THANK YOU JOSS WHEDON FOR MAKING THIS REAL!!! (Yes, that is the feminist in me speaking. =P)
- THE MUSIC WAS FANTASTIC. Especially in the last scene, the song by Greg Laswell "Sweet Dream" got me all choked up. And the instrumental music during the Mellie attack/transformation/revelation was OMGGG!FLAILLLL.
I wanna flail and squee more about Dollhouse but all my mind is doing is "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMG DOLLHOUSEWASSOFUCKINGAWESOMEEEEEEEE OMGOMGOGMOGMOGMOGMGOMGOMG" so it's a miracle that I said all that up there without repeating much. But yeah, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS WEEK'S EP!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'M SO EXCITED! =DDDDDDDDD