Yvonne Strahovski is an Aussie! <3

May 28, 2008 21:13

Now that Gossip Girl has finished and no new episodes (*sobs*), I needed to have something occupy my time (well, procrastinate over finance hw and uni in general)... I watched the first episode of Chuck and DAMN, I missed watching women kicking butt! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT. Especially when Sarah threw one of her knives into the emergency button... LOVE. <3

Yvonne Strahovski is also absolutely gorgeous. AND SHE'S AN AUSSIE! YAYYYY! *Aussie pride*

And I think I may have a tinyyyyyyyy [HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE] crush on her. It may have been the moment she yelled at Chuck to get in the damn freakin' car. Or maybe it was the moment she pulled Chuck to dance... where she literally did a stripper-like dance number on him. *swoon*

AND YOU KNOW WHAT WHAT MAKES MY HEART BEAT JUST A BIT FASTER? This interview got me thinking that she may be (*prays*) a girl loving girl. Or bi, at least. But I can't help wonder why she was being so mysterious about "her style" if it wasn't a girl. But tell me what you think!

image Click to view

AND OMG THIS! Can you get any hotter, Yvonne?

Psst, does anyone else think that this picture looks like Alex Kelly in the OC (if you squint a little)? I think it's the blue boyshorts that makes me point at the screen and nearly squee "ALEX!" out aloud. (Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that Yvonne resembles Olivia Wilde when she was blonde...)

Aside from that, Yvonne looks DAMN good in boy-shorts. Actually, she looks good in underwear. Period. I hope there's more scenes with her in lingerie. Or anything that resembles a lack of clothing. ^_^

chuck, yvonne strahovski

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