So one of my favourite things about this show is that it'll be plodding along for a while and then suddenly it'll be like MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF ARTHURIAN MYTHOLOGY and I'll have a little squee!flail over it because I'm a huge dork like that.
Like when Arthur pulled the covering off the round table - I GOT GOOSEBUMPS. LIKE LITERALLY. It was too awesome. And then when he knighted all the boys I was just generally flailing about again and punching the air like a lunatic.
Also, Excalibur. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. From the bit where Merlin went to Avalon to get it to the end where he enchanted it to be stuck in the stone...just...GAH. I love it when old stories are remade like this because you're so familiar with them that you're just waiting for what you know is coming up next and then there's that sense of utter satisfaction when it does happen. *happy sigh*
Also, major kudos to Katie for this ep. I've been getting a bit sick of her trademark evil!smirk this season but in the last two eps she was genuinely quite coldly creepy and the end where she discovered Morgause had died and went batshit and her powers basically collapsed half of Camelot...that was pretty damned awesome. Talk about intense. And I love how that has now re-cemented her hate for Camelot and all those affiliated with Uther and Arthur. Methinky that will be coming up again in future and I cannot wait.
My name is Morgana le Fay. You killed my sister. Prepare to die.
Can wa has season four nao plz?