Title: To hold me back when I don’t know how
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating/warnings: PG
Genre: gen, angst, AU
Character/s: Ten, Rose or Donna (it’s kind of ambiguous)
Spoilers: WoM
Summary: Sometimes he needs someone to tell him when to stop. He’s that sort of man.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and all it’s associated characters/situations etc do not belong
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He is mournful, Torn by Guilt, Yet Driven By Retribution and Justice, as all good men should be. The character of Ten as portrayed by David Tennant is a lasting tribute to the mythologies we ourselves have created and lived, just by loving ourselves enough to remain alive in this our stinking cesspool of reality.
And anyway, enough of my Mad Poet Talk. YOu rocked this Fic!!!
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