Title: Withdrawal
Rating/warnings: PG-13 for drug references and language
Summary: Charlie speaks out for the first time about what going through Heroin withdrawal feels like. Slight C/C angle.
Spoilers: The Moth, Confidence Man, Homecoming
Disclaimer: DOM IS MINE. Lost however is not. I also stole some Linkin Park lyrics for my cut.
An addict and he can’t hold the reins - the pain is worse cause his friends have it the same... )
Comments 21
Haha, I like it too. It made me giggle as I was writing it ^_^
You have? Yay! I can't wait to read it!
I went through a HUGE Linkin Park phase during High School, the lyrics I used in the cut/link are from "Carousel" which reminds me irresistably of Charlie (and Claire too if you twist the meaning a little bit)
Aw, thanks! I use a combination of Paint Shop Pro and PhotoImpact to make headers and all the other graphics I do.
Haha. That's cool, I'm the complete opposite, I'm like super-writer and then my fanfics tend to stack up and wait to get posted until they've been discredited *facepalm*
They do. I went through a HUGE Linkin Park phase in high school and I still hold a special place for them in my heart ^_^
It was nice to read something about early Charlay and what he struggled with cause the show didn't really do his withdrawl justice. This is a much more accurate depiction.
Loving the little slip-ups of your inner C/C as well. =p
-grabs you and Charlie in a group hug just cause-
I just can't help myself when it comes to those two! They're in 99% of all my Lost fics (and I'm nearly up to 100 now! FTW!)
Yay! Group hug!
*Hugs Charlie*
Thank you for r/ring!
Thank you for taking the time to read/review! =)
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