Oct 22, 2006 11:41
So lets see what's happened this past month?
My parents went to England for 10 days, thus giving me and my bro free reign, and leading to the best weekend ever (read: last post)
They came back (boooooo!!!) and i've been living weird ever since. Its hard to go back after one of the best times in your life. You know what? It kinda reminds me of my prom. It was a great night, everything went right, even the lack of food at Kiran's house afterward (lol thanks for reminding me Sinthu), but it also served as the signal that one of the best times in my life (high school) was ending... During first year, i went back a lot of times, to see ppl, to say hi to ppl, but now I feel I have no reason to, and as a result I feel cut off.
I'm loving life, and all that, but i cannot wait until i get to relive that weekend.
Anyway, yesterday was Diwali, so Happy Diwali to all those who celebrated, and also Wednesday past was Aiza's bday, and i emailed/txted and all that stuff. This wednesday comin is baby Damian's birthday (soooooooooo cute) so today is his 1st bday party, but i'm stuck at work...so afterward, they'd (meaning my fam) better bring me to see him.
This has been one of the longest entries in a while, so I figure that its good to end it here, so i can go get changed for work. I hope its gonna be an easy shift like last week :D Quote time! From AM's Semi formal in 2004
I'm young hungry armed and reckless
On the streets with a death wish
Don't hide when you see me, I'm on the guestlist
Later Days
~@~ Stef