hmm... i'm gonna spam again! just kidding... about my last poll, well, there were only 3 people who answered so i will wait a little longer and think this over...
so far, people prefer that i make a website rather than a forum coz it dies down fast! and the name that the 3 people who answered my poll all said they prefer NekoMundo... well, but i want to take into consideration what everyone told me... so i am also taking into consideration one advice that was given to me, to not mix japanese with spanish unless i speak it fluently... but one friend also said "it's your site, you name it what you want to name it" so i'll ponder more on this issue... *ouch! my head* thank god my headache is less noticeable now ^_^ hurray for me!!! ^_^
about the irc thing, i decided i will make one after all... i don't care if its dead the whole time... i'm just making one for the kick of it... XDDD *bricked* owwww.... x_X
ok, so if you want to ask what contents i want to put in my site? basically, i want all my fanarts to be posted there... i also want to make a gallery for the images that i have in my pc... those who are willing to donate, (ie. fanart, fanfic, manips, icons, banners, anything anime related) i will welcome them with open arms!!! lol! but with credit ofcourse! i don't want to claim works of others... its so degradable for my part... -_- its like "look at that fanartist stealing others work!!! how shameful!!!!" uwaaaaa!!! *runs away to hide* _> *remembers the issue in
la_corda_doro * but i guess i'll have to make counter measures!!! hekhek XD
maybe i'll add an art gallery too... since i'm an art student, then why not??? hehe XD
hmm... what else? oh yeah! do you guys know any good web host???? :D
sayuri_07!!!! you are now officially one of the crazy people in animeasylum!!!!! rofl!!! XDDD