Gori desu PART2!!

Jan 10, 2008 22:39

As requested by ara-yada-
maxsterism- san who's currrently stuck at Kelantan, I hereby post more links for the Gorillaz japanese fan art sites.

Hoi, spread the monkey love. Banana tastes good too. What? I have no idea what I'm talking either.


http://gasigasi.fool.jp/top.html - One of my favourite sites for Gori. 8D Ye be warned as there's plenty of Murdoc (Oksan) x Noodle stuff. Nice art. <3

http://azuma369.s14.xrea.com/ape/index.html - All I can say is there's a lot of Noodoru fan art.(Ezel, today's your lucky day or whichever day you read this post) Lol. Some are pretty 'artistic'...yeah, that's the term, artistic......Yeah.

EDITED: http://www.geocities.jp/sf_non2/framepage18.htm Hmmm, this one reminds me of Yoyo's style. 8D Lol.

Actually I kinda adore the oksan x ramen pairing......What? Something on my face? What's so good to look at? Huh? Ezel! You got problem izzit?!!??! I DON'T CARE OK?! (ok, I do care!) BUT STILL I DON'T CARE! Wait, I mean I care but I don't at the same time, which means I don't care but I do care too, you get me? I don't care ok? But stop staring at me cause I do care!

For those who read what I typed above, congratulations. You just wasted a few seconds of your life reading it.


WHAT? It's not my fault, I'm a victim too!

Cute what!?

CUTE what!?!!


GYAAAAAAA~~~~!! The stares! It burns!! Oh, and all artworks above belong to the respective artist in the first link posted who is darn good in brainwashing me into a 41 x 14 pairing. (Well, actually Nood's 17 now but used to be 14 back then.)

Oh, and last but not least.

.......lol, cute what...that big guy's Russel by the way.........GAAAAAAAAAHMEGIDOAGILAOBUFULAGYAAAAH *runs*

Oh, this belongs to the same artist too.
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