LaRosa's is a restauraunt/bar on Indianapolis Blvd. by the ever-famous Woodmar "when are they gonna take the wrecking ball to this shit" Mall in Hammond. Jordan has a regular Sunday night gig there, and I'd never heard him play before. So I kame here from Ft. Wayne to accomplish these tasks:
1. Visit my fellow queen of the world,
2. Get Bob's doughnuts to him.
3. Go to LaRosa's to hear Jordan play.
Within the last 2 days, I had accomplished numbers 1 and 2, and was thinking I was gonna have to execute number 3 alone.
I was SO wrong.
Rhiannon went stir krazy (we'll just kall it that for lack of a better name), and konvinced her mother that she isn't kontagous anymore. So Lis and I went to get her! (Lis was here kause she wanted me to kut her hair. I like doing that.) But alas, when we returned, Lis had to leave so she kould get ready for work at 11. We waved her bye bye and I went to get ready to go to LaRosa's.
Which was really fun, kause I was having a really decent hair day. :)
We got there, parked a bit down the street by some krazy bar, and walked to the joint. We waited for a while after seating ourselves, and I ended up asking for menus a half an hour later. :) I mean, we figured that when the waitress kame to klear off the table next to us after the dude left, we'd get her then. But she didn't kome to klear it off until after I asked for menus. Splendid service, if I may say so. Rhiannon ordered herself some fried cheese sticks kause she hadn't eaten yet. When she finished, we then feared the NEW worry...Would she be back to give us the check anytyme soon? *suspenseful fanfare*
She did end up koming decently soon, and we decided to move to a place where we kould see the bands better. I scanned the room for Jordan or any guy who looked like Jordan (knowing that Josh was nigh), but failed to fynd either one. We chose a table in the korner by the bands' equipment, and listened to the dudes who were playin. We just kept to ourselves, laughed a little. Talked. Had some fun.
Then, beyond the smoke and pool tables, I saw a figure with a swanky hat on standing in a doorway. I told Rhiannon I'd be right back, and that I had spotted Jordan. She seemed okay with the idea of being alone for a few minutes. :)
We greeted each other fondly, and I met Josh. And DAMNED if he doesn't look A LOT like my kousin Jeff. He akts like him, too. It was mynd-boggling.
I took them to our table, and they announced that they'd been at the restauraunt since 15 minutes after we got there. It took us 45 minutes to fynd each other, though. (That kould've been kause Rhiannon and I were seated in a sekluded korner of the establishment.) But we all hit it off great right away. Those 2 sure are brothers. They started their komedy akt by both imitating their father (who I've never met, but I've heard a lot about...and I guess Jordan looks and akts just like him. So I feel like I kynda know him or something). Then they started using keys, cords, tuners, and anything they kould fynd on the table to use as "props" to make us laugh. (Well, I think they were just bored and wanted to entertain themselves, too, but entertaining us was an added bonus. Kause the queens NEED to be entertained.) For example, Jordan pulled some kranky-drilly thing out of his pocket. (what it was doing in his pocket is beyond me, but he just yanked it out and set it on the table. We all looked questioningly.) Then the Magic Show ensued, which konsisted of taking such things as keys, celphones, the kranky-drilly thing, and gutiar tuners apart. The tuner cord also proved useful in such tricks as the "arm-leg trick". Don't ask unless I kan show you in person. It's not explainable. Trust me.
We got on the subjekt of kleaning glasses kause Josh was looking for a place to wipe his off. He looked at the ceiling through them, as avid glasses-wearers do, to see if he'd gotten the spot off. Jordan then kommented, "I never want to have biofocals, because if you do that and there's a spider on the ceiling...." then he gave us a thrilling physical rendition of seeing a huge spider through the biofocals. Then he proceeded to take Josh's keys and akted like he was kleaning his glasses with them.
Ooh, I wanna add this: There was a little kid in one of the bands. He was the gutiarist's 6 year old son. He was inkredibly kute, and we sat teasing Josh about how he'd better be good, or he'll be shown up by the little squirt. I didn't see that happening, however...kause the kid's sticks were almost longer than his arms and I think he poked himself in the eye with one of them at a point. I'd laugh, but that's horrible. lol.
As the nite progressed, a presumable drunk guy in a yellow baseball kap (the kynd with the dark hair sewn in the back) took the floor and started dancing to the Santana kover band. Jordan edukated us by moaning, "Oh, no...It's the Dancing Guy. Every bar's got one."
And we were dually entertained by him. The guys told us stories about how Dancing Guys would get up on stage and bug them during their performances and how annoying it was. Watching Dancing Guy get all up on this dancing chick was all the proof we needed of annoyance.
We talked about him for a while, and he kame to meet us face to face. He touched Josh, and Josh turned just to skream loudly in Dancing Guy's face. Dancing Guy was not fazed. After a minute, he ran away. Josh proklaimed, "And that's how you take care of THAT." I think we all gave him a shocked look, and he said, "Well...He was TOUCHING me..." Oh, funny.
I said something about how Dancing Guy (or other freaks for that matter) probably won't bother us as long as they see that we are J&J's bitches. At this point, Jordan said to Rhiannon, "I guess that makes you his bitch by default." And Rhiannon had no problems with that. :)
After a long wait (kause Jordan and Josh's names were skipped on the waiting list a long tyme ago) they took the stage to do their songs. 2, to be exakt. During the first song, Rhiannon watched Dancing Guy goin at it...and wondered aloud, "I wonder how he's getting home tonite...ya know?"
I gave her a look that was pure, "Don't look at ME." And you guessed it...we laughed.
A few minutes later, as if he'd heard us talking about him, he ambled up to us. Klearly, he was motioning for Rhiannon to dance with him...but she would have none of it. She just kynda skrunched up and said, "no no no" whilst shaking her head. So he turned to me. Grabbed my hand and started prancing under my arm as if I was on the dance floor with him. (Mynd you, I was still sitting kasually backwards in my chair. This dude was pretty short.) After a kouple rounds under my arm, he smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the head.
I wish I kould've seen my face at that point. Rhiannon laughed her ass off, and he stumbled away. We sat diskussing that neither of the guys noticed that we were being harassed by Dancing Guy. And now we had a funny story for when they were done. :)
Other highlights from the nite inklude such koncepts as:
*One of the bands looked as if they were 15 years old, and Rhiannon SWEARS that they were one of the first bands kause they had to go home and go to bed. lol.
*The guy who played a little Casio keyboard, looked alot like Prince, and I think lives 2 doors down from Kurt. Jordan swears that his Casio lights up the keys that he is supposed to play. hee hee hee. We also joked about his tight vinyl pants. Josh said they probably kame with a bottle of Wesson cooking oil for the first tyme you put them on. That spawned even more funny!
*A dude kame in around 11 and sat a few feet behynd Rhiannon...he looked a LOT like Bob Saget mixed with Bronson Pinchot. And he really seemed to dig the Prince guy and the funky dudes right before J&J went on.
*When we were gettin ready to leave, Josh was warming up the truck, and some guy asked if he had a flashlight they kould borrow. He did, and when he approached us again, Jordan said it looked more like a billy club. tee hee hee hee. Then some guy backed into a guard rail with his kar while backing out of his parking space...which was about 20 feet away.
Wow. I think that's it. Hee hee.
Now I will kall Rhiannon to see if she kan go to Ft. Wayne with me tonite. That would be keen.