A quick rant on "woodstock" 99

Jul 31, 2001 01:07

I am kurrently watching the "MTV's 20 most outrageous moments" thingy...and when the part about "woodstock" 99 kame on, I bekame outraged again. Just like I did when the real thing went downe. I put woodstock in quotes when I type about the 99 one...bekause I feel it was a disgrace to the music festival form. Music festivals are there to promote music and the love of it, or so *I* view it. No wonder America's parents take their children's music away! They see shit like that goin downe! And of kourse, the violence is blamed on the music itself.
Okay. So maybe I sound like an old fart bitch. But at least I feel something about it.
Another thing that bothers me is that sometymes rock or hard music is associated with destruktion and violence. Well, I kan't help people's associations, but how non-konstruktive is THAT!? I love rock music as much as the next person, but NEVER ONCE have I felt the need to wreak havoc on a bunch of people while I was "driven by the music".
It kynda bothered me when one of my friends told me about the distruktion of his CD's earlier. (no names mentioned to protekt whoever involved...or something.) He hid them at a friend's house away from his mother, who threatened to take them away. Bekause they're "bad". Well, as if that wasn't bad enough, the "friend"s mother found the albums, and proceeded to destroy them.
Ooooh, look. More music-related destruktion.
I am pledging my life to use music in a positive manner. Language in music, and questionable music videos are gonna be around. People just need to learn to accept it and *gasp* pay some attention to what their kids are doing in their everyday lives.
I know I'm not revealing some ground-breaking new theory here, just re-stating.
And bitch #2...what's this shit with "MTV2"? Oh, it's all good, it airs videos ALL the TYME....Wasn't that how MTV started out? I wonder how long it'll take until THAT gets warped into a RealWorld and Road Rules rerun-sporting mass of upchuck.
Okay, so I guess my bitch isn't totally justified. I must admit...I really like MTV animation and stuff...but a lot of this stuff they air is not very music related. Tom Green is even entertaining a lot...but sometymes I fynd myself just looking for some good music stuff on MTV in the evenings...and I fynd nothing satisfying.
Oh, I get it. Use the ORIGINAL MTV to kater to the pop-listening pimples and just push off that "stupid old music" onto another station. The people with half a brain or more kan chase it there. Last *I* checked, there was a LOT more music variety than what is aired on MTV lately.
*sigh.* I'm so tired and bitter. I'll prolly read this in the morning and not rekall sitting here typing.

destruction, music, vh1, mtv2, mtv, violence, woodsock 99

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