Okay, first off, I left for Indy following Alli, the other MT major that went to the IMT meeting. I wish more people would've kome, it was really cool! We learned how to play the harmonica, and drummed a lot, and learned about new sound technology. Not a single dud presentation! Except for the internships one, but that's only bekause I've already skored one. So to someone who's already been through the search, it was kynda boring. Oh, well.
I stayed the night before the meeting at Alli's aunt's house and went out for pizza with their family. It was this really good place kalled Sinclair's...an old Sinclair gas station konverted to pizza parlor. I think it was officially in Carmel. But it was yummy. Then we went to some bar kalled the Moon Dog Tavern and heard a mediocre band. I had a White Russian and decided that I dug it. So my alcohol horizons are widening. Aren't you glad?
Okay, went to sleep on this krazy chair-footresty ottoman thing which made my butt slip down every kouple hours. And the aunt's kids were the most disrespektful kids ever. Well, the girl was nice...and one of the boys was a little baby...but the other 2 were really really disrespektful to everybody. And people just took it. It bothered me.
Anyhoo, the meeting was fun, and I got home without having to ask any strangers for direktions. Go me.
Then last night I kalled Mareta to see if she wanted to go to Mad Anthony's to see Brandon's band play. She said she was already getting ready to go, and I said, "Perfekt, I'll kome by and pick you up." And I did. And we had barrels of fun. Except for the kreepy guy who followed a kouple of our IPFW girls to the bar. That's just...skary. Then he sat all night monopolizing people's attention one by one with his "4 years Navy" stories. Jeebus Chreest.
ACK! And here's puzzlement!!! A kouple dudes from IPFW drank a bunch of beer and totally walked out on their tab! So I lost some respekt for some people.
As people slowly started leaving (in hopes that the kreepy guy wouldn't follow them...also bekause last kall was just voiced) it remained to be the kreepy guy, the band, Kevin, Chris, Mareta, and I talking at a table. We all looked at each other to see what our move would be...The band still had to pack their stuff up and take it out to the van, and Kevin finished his beer and left. Assuming that skary guy was gonna try and follow us, Mareta and I took an interesting route back to our side of FW. With Chris following us to boot. lol. But everything turned out peachy and Chris tailed us very well indeed. Maybe skary dude reached his weirdness quota for the day and decided to go home.
I know I sound really shallow with this...but if you would've met him, you would understand. We all tried so hard to be nice, but then we'd all go nuts and try to klimb over other people to get away from him. It was terrible. If I ever bekome that lame, just smack and inform me.
Yeah, then Chris, Mareta, and I had riveting konversation after I gave them the grand tour of the house. Then we all got really tired and I took Mareta home. It was a good night overall. :)
Low Point: Rudeness of those friggin kids. I kan't believe how some parents take that much shit.
High Point: Going out to see the band! hee hee, Larry makes the best faces ever! But he's still working on remembering my name...eh, his son took about 2 years to finally remember it without hints..and he saw me every day. lol. So I guess I should just keep remynding him. :)