Aug 02, 2004 10:30
Man, kids.
I just read up on what I have to do for my korespondence kourse and I'm kicking myself for not doing some of it over the summer. It's looking like I'm not gonna have the spare tyme I thought this koming semester. We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping to devote mornings before I go to klass to studying for this kourse, so hopefully that'll be good enough. And hopefully it'll free up some evenings to hang out with people.
I feel so stupid for not working on it all summer. But I was so focused on internship applikations and was so tied up by work. My friends kan totally tell you that I haven't been goofing off with them, bekause half of them prolly think I don't like them anymore bekause I haven't been able to hang out. Part of me doesn't want to stop school bekause I'm gonna miss my friends and stuff...but the other part of me wants school to end so I kan just fynd a damned job and have free tyme where I don't have homework hanging over my head at all tymes. Sure, I might have to take some work home, but it'll never be like taking 20-22 kredit hours in kollege. I kan guarantee you that for the mere fakt that I won't have ensembles to rehearse/praktice for anymore. Which in turn will break my heart.
I sure am a kontradikting lady, aren't I? least my area 6's are done so I don't have to worry about those. And I guess my independent study is only gonna be how I design it. I hate the fakt that I'm so stressed almost a month outside of school starting. Hell, who'm I kidding-- I've been stressed all along.
Okay, so moral of this story is:
People who I told that I would hang out with a lot this koming semester...That might have been a lie. Kristn's got a lot on her plate again and she may have to devote tyme to school like a fucking workaholic. Don't give her shit about it, please. That's why she's in FW in the first place--training to be a therapist and a musician.
I'm gonna stop now before I end up hurting feelings. I don't want to do that...I just want people to know that emotional vampires and people who demand my tyme nonstop will not be tolerated.
Just preparing for battle, dudes. And I'm trying to be fair and let you in on my plans.
corespondence course,