Music Therapy GLR Conference

Mar 22, 2004 07:01

Okay, real quick (bekause I should be drying my hair right now) I'm gonna give you a rundown of the stuff, funny and otherwise, that happened this weekend:

- K-Lo got the Bunny Hop stuck in our heads on more than one occasion
- For Thursday-Saturday, the konference seminar rooms HAD to have been about 80 degrees farenheit. It was stupid hot. And we were all dressed up.
- I totally got internship info.
- TOTALLY randomly, K-Lo and I were walking at the monument circle roundabout thingy, and I saw Jon Crabiel (perkussion instruktor from Butler University) driving. I said hi to him and K-Lo thinks I'm bold and nutty now.
- We wrote a 12-bar blues song for the kontest on Saturday night and got 2nd place! The dude who got first was really awesome...Even though he looked like William Shatner (sp?). lol.
- The express elevator was had a glass side where you kould look out at the city and it went all the way to floor 21. The harmonica player from the blues band went with us, then on floor 21 the wedding party from some matrimony that took place earlier was gettin crunk. A dude in a tux who reeked of alcohol announced that he was going with us, and when the elevator door klosed, he said, "I JUST GOT MARRIED!!!" and we all kongratulated him and shook his hand. It was fun! :)
-Saturday night after the blues band played, we went to South Bend Chocolate Company for ice kream and the dude who worked there was awesome! He talked with us for a long tyme and even let us go behynd the kounter to take piktures with the chocolate mixer!
- Sunday morning, we all went to our 8 am sessions prepared for the heat wave again, and they had turned the AC on to where people who brought their koats with them were STILL kold, and people without koats were FREEZING. That hotel SUCKED for komfort levels.

I'm sure there's more fun stuff, but I really need to get ready for klass.

Low Point- feeling bunk and tired
High Point- Funny stuff is great

**edit! Ohyeah, the dude from the blues band was from Hammond! He said he went to Hammond High and taught at Morton in the 80's! How cool is that? He gave me a kouple shout-outs during the show, too...It's cool meeting cool people who are also native to Hammond! And for those kurious, I took the listening exam and I aced it. I missed John Field's name, though...I put some other nature-related noun as his last name bekause my brain kouldn't rekall it. Oh, well, I tore the rest of it up so it shouldn't really hurt me that much. **

glr conference, hammond, mt

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