Feb 16, 2004 17:51
Okay. So last night, I was all worried about making ice for the SAI Rush Party and I made a bag full of it, right? I was running late for my 9 am klass, so I figured, "Hey, I'll park in Strukture 2 so I kan go straight to VA and put the ice in the freezer in the art students' lounge."
Turns out there's no freezer in the art lounge. So thinking fast, I put my things down and skribbled a note that read "Utilizing the natrual icebox, someone will be back to pick me up later. Love, Ice Ice Baby". lol. I put the bag outside in a drift of snow then went back up to look over my notes for a few minutes and went in to take a BRUTAL music history test. OMFG, there was some stuff on there that I had absolutely NO KLUE about. I know exaktly where it would be in the book, though. I just don't know the liberettists for the operas we diskussed. Having to pull their names out of our asses (with korrekt spelling) is a bit much, I think. I wish our exams were open book or notes and timed instead of pull-it-out-of-your-ass throughout a whole klass period when you'll never rekall the fucking name. Bekause I would SO know my resources.
Yeah, so after the test I walked back to CM, taking kare to retrieve my ice form the pile of snow. Put it in the music lounge freezer and took kare of a bunch of business. Ran through my concerto/aria piece with Franco and got a bunch of SAI changes and grief thrown at me. Then we started setting up for the Rush Party.
At about 11 am, I was already facepalming and muttering, "I should've just stayed in bed today." Just with all the kraziness that was flying at me. Everyone's like, "Kristn, you need more responsibility. Why don't you do THIS?" Which really sucked, bekause I forgot my datebook today. I have NEVER done that. It's a nightmare. I depend on that kynda stuff bekause I kan't depend on my own memory.
The Rush Party was pretty cool, even though almost ALL the members were late and the new prospektive pledges had to wait a half an hour to eat (it was a potluck and potlucks don't work very well unless the people bringing food get there on tyme with their stuff.) And there was STILL barely enough food for everyone. It was lame as hell. But the meeting isn't all about impressing people with our worldly hospitality, but to let them know what is involved in joining SAI. And we got that akross pretty well and some of them seemed interested. So that rules. :) K-Lo and I got to perform our Livin' la Vida Sigma Alpha Iota song again, and it was still a hit. :) That part was fun!
Wind Ensemble rehearsal was nothing short of interesting...but even though this is the first tyme he's really exploded on this semester's group, I'm used to Cooke going off on ensembles. He was better a few hours later for the concerto/aria auditions and was really nice to me before I left Wind Ensemble, wishing me luck on my audition in front of the whole friggin ensemble. I thanked him graciously with a wave. :)
The audition didn't go as well as I hoped it would, but you always go in hoping to kick ass and kome out with something else happening in reality. But I'm take it or leave it with the kontest...if I don't win, I just don't have to worry about it anymore (which seems to be what my friends want...they think I do too much. But what is one more little performance to someone who loves playing?) If I win, I'll make myself look good...as well as Vernon. And maybe his life will be made a little happier by his fellow fakulty members for a while. But who knows. I wonder when the winners are gonna be posted? And I wonder how many performers they're taking...
I waited around for a while after I auditioned so I kould listen to K-Lo's audition, then I just stuck around to listen to mein Johann's. Auditions kan be a little stressful...so we gave each other a big hug after he put his bass away. Then I had to go to Ballads and Folk Songs klass...I've been klose to falling asleep a kouple tymes in that klass...which is odd, bekause it's John Minton. That's just not right for me. He's so interesting and I should never THINK of falling asleep in his presence. I think it was just that we were talking about something that was boring me a little. Once we started talking about the evolution of different kynds of music, I perked back up. lol. After klass, I gave him the $10 from Kelly R's CD, and a blank CD with my name on it so he kan burn me some sacred harp singing. He was more than happy to do it, bekause he was gonna do a CD for another dude in the klass, too. So he said he'd prolly have it by Wednesday. *Happy Kristn!* Beware, friends within a few miles radius...I may be forcing you to listen to this stuff sometymes soon. :) It's so awesome. I also asked him if he would perform with me on the SAI Musicale this semester...It's March 17th and the theme is Irish Songs. I got this idea koncerning him playing guitar and me singing something traditional...but he's got a gig on St. Patty's Day and kan't make the show. He said under other circumstances he would be glad to perform with me...I hope that happens before I graduate. Which means this semester...kause he's on sabbatical in the fall. *gears in her head turn...* I have another idea up my sleeve having nothing to do with John, though...I just have to get in touch with someone for some info.
Wow, I'm long winded. I need to kall K-Lo...she left messages for me earlier and stuff. So I guess I'll stop bantering. :)
Tchüss Tchüss!
Low Point- Prolly the point where I was like, "Damnit, why did I get out of bed?"
High Point- Hmm...prolly the reason why I didn't want to get out of bed. ;)
EDIT-- So the Sax Quartet/Sax Choir koncert for this semester has officially been postponed until April 19th. Matt (our bari player) is really sick and won't be better in tyme for Friday. Just letting anyone who was planning on attending know about that.
john minton,
john tonne,
sax quartet,