Jan 24, 2004 12:51
My brain is pretty klear right now...all I kan really think about is the fakt that Fannie May went out of business. Does that mean no more Trinidads? Bekause that would break my little heart. I almost wanna do what half of Chicagoland is doing...Going to Fannie May and getting a bunch of their favorite kandy to put in the freezer.
Hmm. What have I been doing lately? I've been doing the school thing, of kourse. Watched anime (The Irresponsible Captain Tylor) on Thursday night with Colin, and he introduced me to the BBQ ham pizza from Mama Mia's. It was tasty! ^_^ We had mucho funnage...and he let me borrow his DVD's so I kan watch more on my own! I was made very happy over that...now just to fynd tyme. lol.
Umm...More school, did the rehearsal stuff in the afternoon. Wind Ensemble sektionals weren't the nightmare I thought they were gonna be. There were only a few restless people and one tyrant. lol. Sax Quartet was interesting...A lot of the stuff I was playing...I was NAILING. Like, these 16th note passages in a new piece were koming out like butter. They were just major skales in weird little kombinations, so I komputed them pretty easily. Funny thing was that I was the only one playing them so fluidly. I love having good playing days. It makes the mistakes I make so much easier to take. Bekause I know that I have the power to fix them.
After rehearsals, I kame home to take out my garbage and do my heap of dishes before people kame over. A little after 5:30, Ramon showed up saying that the roads were pretty ugly from all the snow we were getting. I wondered if Kelly and Noah were still wanting to drive out to my apartment...but everything turned out cool. K-Lo and Mareta got there, then Kelly...and we played with Play Doh while listening to Medeski Martin and Wood. :) When we were putting the toys away, Noah kalled and said he was on his way over. We didn't want to start the movie without him, so we just started playing DDR. :) Kelly and Ramon had never seen it before and they were a little afraid to try it, but we konned them into it. I think they ended up having fun! Noah arrived, and played DDR for a while. Everyone enjoyed watching he and I play the harder levels...they were laughing their asses off and talking about how cool it was to watch us do the same thing at the same tyme. We watched the Songcatcher movie together and now I have to write a paper on it. So I should prolly get on that. I'm such a slacker, it took me 3 friggin hours to make this entry kause I was talkin to other people. lol. Oh well, it's Saturday and I'm entitled. Or something.
Low Point- I dunno, stuff's been goin pretty well. My windshield in my kar needs washing but I'm too lazy to go klean it. So that's mildly annoying. :)
High Point- Having fun all over the place! And I was listening to my Cowboy Bebop CDs last night and had one of those cool chill-up-the-spine-brainy-orgasm things over one of the songs. I <3 my endorphin levels.
captain tylor,
video games,
colin heimann,
ft. wayne,
fannie may