Woke up today to a phone kall from
Pooky! That delighted me muchly! Talked to him for about 2 hours and I was in heaven. :) Little did I know, Bone and Josh were waiting for me to make them breakfast and Bone started taking things upon herself and made some eggs for Josh. When I got off the phone, Bone made her own eggs then I made my own specialized ones for myself. :) mmmm...shredded cheddar cheese is our friend.
Watched Josh play Legend of Zelda for a while, then he unhooked his GameCube and they started packing up their stuff. After they left, I decided against taking a shower and vacuumed the whole apartment...Stopping a few tymes to klean something up or move it around. Everything in the living room looks 100% better...I kan't wait until I am done doing all I want to do with the apartment. It's almost like moving into a new one again kause it looks mildly different! And here's some great news...I found my Aerosmith shirt that I've been wondering about! It's whereabouts were a mystery since, like, I dunno. A long tyme ago. But I found it and I'm wearing it right now! It's one of my favorite things to sleep in so I'm happy. And very excited about school starting tomorrow!
Anyhoo, at that point I looked at the klock and noticed that it was getting late, so I jumped in the shower. Did that whole thing, then did dishes and more laundry. After that work was done, I kalled
David up and got direktions to his house. After I kopied them, I went to dry my hair and get dressed. Then I jumped in my kar and drove...
Stopped by IPFW to drop some books and my horns off and ran into the Chief. She had been obviously organizing and kleaning all day, too! :) She told me many things, inkluding that I don't have to do a practicum this semester bekause I have so many hours. That was a godsend...and she also pointed out that I have more tyme to work on guitar now, too! She always seems to have solutions to things. Most things, anyway...I want to be more like her in the "problem solving" prowess. :)
Went back upstairs, went to Taco Bell to snag some nachos for dinner. Brought it back here and chatted online for a few. While I was eating, I noticed that they put MEAT on my BURRITO. A Bean and Rice burrito. HOW do you mess that up??? I just didn't get it. Then I took off for David's. I found it more easily than I thought I would! I took a kouple of gambles bekause street signs in that area are very hard to see...and so are house numbers. :) I had to kall his cell phone to fynd out which one was his. Damnit, I was SO KLOSE to getting there on my own with no problems. I've seen definite improvement in my navigational skillz, though! So that's tight.
Umm...David was pretty much folding klothes, ironing shirts, and semi-packing to go back to school while we talked and joked for a while. His socks make great sock puppets! ^_^ Played some Settlers on the floor in the cool room with the slanted stucco ceiling! And the kitty kat's name is Midnight and he's old. And...and...his stepmommy is really nice....and his dad has a kalendar with piktures of bathrooms! It was so cool. While I was there, Vernon gave me a kall and it made me feel a lot like school is really starting back up tomorrow. And excitement reigned again. :) After I hung up from him and finished talking to my mum, more laundry/ironing happened. Then we just took it easy and diskussed...he ate some stuff (inkluding pie...the official holy food) and we kept saying that we should prolly get sleep and never really went anywhere. You know how that is. lol. After a while, sleep needage was evident in all involved parties, so we said bye bye and I successfully navigated my way home. How I did that I will never know...I was just running on instinkt half the tyme bekause I didn't look at the direktions from the way there.
But yeah. Even though I've hung out with him prolly a grand total of 4 tymes, I'm gonna miss the dude. Kynda sucks when you just hang out enough to start getting to know each other, then responsibility kalls and you're somewhere else again. I guess life's just like that.
I know, tired and sappy is the Kristn. But there's truth behynd it, seriously! :)
I'm just gonna give it up now and go to bed.
Tomorrow I already have a klass with Minton! How bonus is THAT??? Hopefully he'll want to diskuss independent study meeting tymes! ((*radiates with excitement*))
Low Point- I dunno...It's hard to explain so I won't. :)
High Point- Alone again...finally. I love my sister and bro-in-law...but I love being alone, too.