Jan 02, 2004 16:06
I just love making icons! It is my true love, let me tell you.
Last night, I saw the Mushroom Samba ep of Cowboy Bebop for the first tyme. It totally remynded me why I adore that show so much. Hooray for interesting and well-done anime!!! *huzzah!*
Umm...I had a dream last night...but I don't remember much of it. I remember DISTINKTLY waking up from it saying to myself, "Damn, I have to journal this one later"...but I forgot it all. Only thing I kan rekall is the part where I was underwater, but I kould breathe. It was TIGHT. :) So I got to explore wherever it was that I was. lol.
I woke up to a BooBoo wanting to go outside. Once I was up, Dad popped in his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (henceforth LXG) DVD and we watched it. Needless to say, an icon-making tempest occurred after I was done watching it. :)
Then I made DAI icons-a-plenty. Jess is just too inspiring! Thanks for fetching me a kouple cool piktures to play with, dude! ^_^
I read the rest of The Wake (Sandman Library) last night...Now I am sad. Bekause I presently have no more new Sandman stuff to read. What a spectacular graphic novel. Now I want to read the LXG ones, too.
Damn, I have WAY too many interests. Why kan't I be more picky and not acquire so many expensive obsessions? lol. I thought I didn't really like LOTR for a long tyme...but no, sure enough, I do.
But with things like Sandman, Lupin, Harry Potter, King Crimson, etc...How are we SUPPOSED to akt? They're all great things of our tyme. And I plan to kulturally bathe in them daily!
ooooh, did you see that? It was poetic as hell.
I'm not even gonna bother with high/low points right now. Bekause I haven't done much of anything lately. Ooooooh, what a bum I am...
boo boo,
too many interests,
sandman library,
cowboy bebop