okay, so here's my entry from Tuesday morning...

May 29, 2003 01:36

**I'm entering this NOW bekause it wouldn't let me when I typed it, same with the other 4 tymes I've tried to enter it over the last 24 hours.**

I kould've SWORN that I made an entry from this komputer last nite. But I guess it didn't post. That makes me angry beyond belief. Aktually, it doesn't...I was just looking for an exkuse to say "beyond belief". Don't question it. I have no answers.

Soyeah, I'm up in the Fort Wayne at this point...will be leaving in less than an hour for Shipshewana. Gonna spend the day there, then go back to Hammond. I wish I kould take my bed with me bekause it is the most komfortable thing EVER. But alas, I kan not. My kar is way too tiny...let alone the fakt that it would never fit in my room in Hammond. I fynd that funny...my room in FW is huge komparatively and I'm the only one who lives here.

Hunger strikes me. Mum took a run to the McDonalds for brekfast. It's weird to get up here and not have anything to make for breakfast bekause we took it all to Hammond about a week and a half ago. It's also weird to be here and not hang out with FW people. I miss John, I wish we kould've gotten here earlier last nite so I kould've seen him. But Mum had to work til 6, and she was gettin holiday pay. So that was a little more important. I guess. :) ((Kristn is not REALLY a spoiled brat, she just plays one on LJ. hee hee))

In my opinion, algebra kan DIE. I'm getting really sick of not knowing how to do shit and my sister being konfused about it. It's not Marie that I'm pissed off at, it's the instruktor who gives quizes over material that they never kovered. There's just something about that which does not make very much sense to my brain. And of kourse, since she doesn't know how to do it and it's a quiz, she's afraid that it's gonna bring her grade down. Hopefully the instruktor will realize the error in her ways and give out a quiz with proper subjekts on it.

I had this dream last nite where some dude from LJ kalled me and wanted to talk dirty to me. I was just like, "uh...okay. Whatever floats your boat." Then he started sayin all this stuff about how I need to do some stuff before he went through with the phone kall. This somehow was going to make it okay to be "underage" and talk to him. I guess he thought I was
16 or something, I dunno. And everything was supposed to be taken kare of by me kalling a bowling alley and getting shoes...then kalling him back from a grocery store. I don't get it, either. But I think I did it kause I was bored. At least the grocery store part, anyway. It must've been a 24 hour grocery bekause this all took place around 4 am. I remember the bakery ladies looking at me funny as I walked through the store talking on a cell phone. I ended up telling the dude on the phone that I was 21 anyway and he was really really delighted. I think the end of the konversation on my end took place in a warehouse somewhere.

If that's not a dream telling me to get a job and stop having no life, my name is Sir Francis Bacon. And it's not. But if it was, my 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon would prolly move kloser. And then you would all wanna be like me.

Mmm, food here. I go now.

Low Point: All things algebra-related
High Point: Dad cooked stuff on the grill...nummy :)

bed, dreams, kevin bacon, grocery store, algebra, ft. wayne

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