To bartend, or not to bartend?

May 21, 2003 16:33

So I got the info from the Chicago bartending school today. I was really gung-ho about goin (if it isn't too expensive) a few days ago, but now I'm wondering. Lis said something about having to know your alcohol before goin in...and I don't know my shit. (I mean, kome on...I don't drink. I guess I don't pay much attention.) I kan tell the general stuff, but I'm not that good. People are telling me, "Well, that's why you'd be goin to SCHOOL to LEARN."

I don't think Dad really dug the idea of me learning how to tend bar, either. That would be a good weekend money maker in Ft. Wayne...That town is krawlin with bars.

God damn, I'm lazy. I'm sittin here bored when I kould've prakticed earlier. But NOOOO. I'm stupid and I decide to wait until my dad komes home and takes a nap to think about things like that. I should go to Walmart to grab an applikation, too...but for some loserly reason, I don't feel like goin alone. Therefore, I kan not pry myself out of my jammies. I shall reiterate (sp?) for dramatic effekt--God damn, I'm lazy.

Hopefully my last entry from today entered korrektly. It wasn't koming up for me when it was all "click here to view your stuff". I did, and my entry from a kouple days ago was my most recent. This last paragraph is the most interesting thing you've ever read in your life. Treasure this moment, for you will never fynd another quite like it.

oh dear, I am inkredibly bored. I know I just need to take kontrol of my life and all that good shit, but I just feel like bitching and then laughing to myself today. It would prolly do me good to go out and be amongst people later bekause I might be getting too much alone tyme at this point.

In klosing, if anyone knows of a good place for me to get a safe and klean branding/scarification in the Chicagoland area, lemme know. Bekause I need to start looking into that. I've jumped my hurdle, and now I need the proof of passage.

taking control of life, scar, bartending school, lazy

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