So get this.

Jul 18, 2002 20:20

I was kalled in to work a while ago...for a 9-10:30 shift. The reason why they need me?...................
There's a baptist revival in the area and one of their buses is planning on koming to our Taco Bell tonite. Therefore, I was asked to kome in and help with the dining room. I laughed til I thought I was gonna DIE when Renee told me all this.

Maybe I'll type more later. Prolly not tonite, though, kause I'm planning on DDRing after work.

Low Point- I had to wait a really long tyme for Windy this morning before work kause the door was locked. Then, I realized that the front door was open the whole tyme. So I felt kynda stupid.
High Point- prolly yet to kome...but I had an envigorating chat with Jess earlier. So that kould kount :) heh...Malibu Jesus...

baptist revival, taco bell, girl scouts

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