It's like a million pears...

Jun 01, 2001 13:44

mmmmmmmmmkay. So, is it okay to eat a pear that isn't all soft and squishy and stuff? Does that mean it isn't ripe? Kause I'm eating one that's just a little bit softer than an apple. It's a Bartlett, if that makes a difference. I KNOW there's gotta be a pear konnesseur (sp?)((<--lol, that's kynda funny. With my k.)) out there who kan tell me if my stomach is gonna wanna die after receiving the firm pear flesh into it's juices. I guess I'll just have to see. My stomach is kynda awesome, though. I have it konditioned, I think, from working at Taco Bell for a while. Cheap/free tacos=Kristn's belly BETTER get used to it. Let's hope I'm kastiron or something. :)
Kause I'm goin to Walgreens. Hoo. I just changed the subjekt really smoothly. The point is, I don't want my stomach to hurt while Rhiannon and I walk there today. I'm lookin into the temporary blue hair dye scene. If it kosts too much, I DEFINITELY won't do it. But we'll just have to see, now, won't we?
Oh, and last nite, I went to Paul's with Lisa. I ate a big, beany Taco Salad. (She picked me up from work after a LOOOONG evening of putting up with kustomers on cel phones and being inkonsiderate, and dining room doors deciding not to lock.) Steve was supposed to be there, too, but I guess that we missed him kause of the stupid door not locking. I brought them tacos and everything. But we forgot Paul's Fire sauce. I didn't know he liked it, so I didn't grab it. And I think Lis was just tired. We laughed SOOO hard. Especially when I told the story about the Eric Clapton waiter at the On The Border restauraunt. I kommented on it afterwards, saying something like, "Hooo, Hitler! It was funny." And the laughing got even WORSE. I thought my sides were gonna fall off. (sorry, Bob, I took your Hitler thing. I was tired. And it was funny. Props to you, man. ^_^) Then Lis and I diskussed some dood who she used to play a game kalled "Henry Rollins" (aka "Ghosts in the Graveyard") with. He used to always proklaim that he was gonna "Kick the Ruckus." Reminiscing about that guy made me laugh even harder.
Okay, so, the knocking from inside of my freezer gets annoying. I'm gonna go answer it.

henry rollins in the graveyard, steve (paul's friend), knocking from inside my freezer, lis, pears, eric clapton waiter, kickin the ruckus

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