Apr 16, 2002 07:54
LorenzOil: dammit lol
LorenzOil: ebay is being stupid
(Ryan): What?
(Ryan): How so?
LorenzOil: it always "goes down for maintenence" whenever I'm surfing lol
(Ryan): That sucks.
LorenzOil: you betcha bippy
(Ryan): What's a bippy?
LorenzOil: I dunno, but you should be willing to put yours on the line for this
LorenzOil: trust me ;-)
(Ryan): Ok, I will. I'm all about betting my bippy.
LorenzOil: lol
(Ryan): Damn bippies. Always getting in the way, anyway.
LorenzOil: LOL, you did NOT just pluralize BIPPY!
Ah ha ha ha ha ha :) I must go now. But not to surf ebay. NOOOO. I kan't DO that right now. lol.
ryan frey,
vic szanyi,