My legs are aching from shopping round town today with
bijou_cho. It is a lifestyle I can get used to if I am a rich tai-tai. I'm glad we each bought something, compared to the previous time where we didn't get anything. Oh, pls remember to share with me the photo we took together k? I'll pass you mine.
I was looking through my very small collection of photos and they are mainly of food. I shall now do a summary of our day:
[Insert your imagination of Ya Kun toast]
I forgot to take breakfast photo.
One of the many feast for the eyes. $$$
More shopping.
The End.
And now I shall turn my attention back to seiyuu ~
I got this pic from Okiayu's blog. That chocolate thingy is LOVELY. *_* And that is HiroC right? I am so in love with the chocolate! It's gorgeous. It looks like mudpie. Is he eating it all by himself? *_* It's nearly midnight and I'm drooling. I'm re-reading my sentences and I don't make sense! Chocolate~