eh. my tits are small and i don't post photos of them.
i use myspace as a means to have most everyone i've known or met at my fingertips. i just find it easy to share things with others that way. i also get word of events that interest me.
my profile is friends only, so i don't get douchebag emails.
This is the only thing on the web of this type I use.
I dont use myspace, face-base-book, friendster, etrc..
just this and Last.FM to record my music listening trends.
This is one of the only things I DON'T use.
I'm a myspace whore, I guess.
Myspace is just begging someone to fuck your email.
Livejournal is for people who want to be antisocial on the internet, and get more out of oxygen life
Myspace is for people who couldnt get enough attention out of real life - they want people on the web to rate their tits.
My theory anyway
i use myspace as a means to have most everyone i've known or met at my fingertips. i just find it easy to share things with others that way. i also get word of events that interest me.
my profile is friends only, so i don't get douchebag emails.
( ... )
Just sayin'...
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