Crash... Boom... Bang (4/?)

Nov 19, 2008 20:43

TITLE: Crash… Boom… Bang

PAIRING: Callie/Erica


DISCLAIMER: The characters of Grey’s Anatomy are property of ABC and Shonda Rhimes.  No copyright infringement intended.

SUMMARY: Callie gets hurt…

NOTE: sorry this update took a while, but I had just started this chapter when I found out about Brooke... so I had the story been put on a hold a bit. But I got my muse back for this story, so you can expect updates again.  This is a short update, promise the next one will be longer :)

If you wanna catch up on the previous parts, here are the links.
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:

Erica just stared ahead.  Callie wanted to marry her?  Gorgeous Callie wanted to marry her?  Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined this, never in her wildest dreams had she thought that Callie would want to become her wife.  Far away she heard her name being called out.

“Erica… sorry, I shouldn’t have… it’s too soon…”

Erica looked at Callie and saw that there were tears in her eyes.  Suddenly she realized that she still hadn’t answered Callie.  She took Callie’s face in her hands and kissed her lips softly.

“Yes, Callie, I’ll marry you.”

Erica looked Callie deeply in her eyes and saw the love that she felt projected in her own.

“I know we can’t legally get married, but I want a ceremony with all our friends and family to confirm our love.”

“I love you, Cal.”

In the afternoon the Chief came by to release Callie from the hospital.

“So, Dr. Torres, ready to get out of here?” he asked.

“Definitely, sir.  Not that they didn’t take good care of me, but it’ll be nice to be home again.”  The Chief noticed that when Callie said “home”, she looked over at Erica.

“May I presume you’ll be staying at Dr. Hahn’s place for your recovery?”

“Yes, Richard, she’ll be staying with me. I wanted to ask you if it would be ok if I took a few more days off, so that Callie can get settled in.”

“No problem.  Just don’t forget to update your date-and-tell sheet”, and with that he left the pair alone.

“So, ready to get out of here, love?”

“Oh yeah, take me home, Erica.”

Callie’s recovery took a long time.  Erica was with her each step of the way. After a couple of weeks she could start physical therapy for her arm.  As an orthopaedic surgeon she knew that this physical therapy was important to regain full mobility of her left arm. So even when it was so painful she wanted to cry, she told the therapist it was ok and that he could continue.

Each week she moved more and more stuff from the apartment she shared with Cristina and after a while she came to the conclusion that there was nothing left at Cristina’s, so she told her that she would have to find a new roommate.  Callie had never been as happy with her life as she was now, and three months after the accident she started working again.  Part time only and light jobs only. But it felt great being outside the house and in the hospital again.

They had set a date for their wedding ceremony.  Both wanted to get married in the summer, so they had decided on July 25th as the date.  They had agreed that they wanted to organize it themselves so that everything would be perfect.

A few weeks after Callie got discharged from the hospital, she had called her parents to tell them about the accident.  Ever since leaving Miami, Callie didn’t have much contact anymore with her parents.  The relationship with her parents had always been strained, so when she announced that she was going to med school and then later moving to Seattle, they hardly had any contact.  But because they were her parents, Callie wanted to let them know at least that she was getting married.  Her parents were ecstatic about it, till they asked the name of her future husband.  When she said “Dr. Erica Hahn”, the line got disconnected.  She didn’t try to call them back, because in her heart, she had already said goodbye to them when they had thrown her out the house when she went to med school.

Erica had already told her mother years ago that she was a lesbian, so the shock to her mother wasn’t that big.  However, just because her mother knew didn’t mean she had fully accepted Erica as being gay, and so she wished her the best on the wedding but excused herself from coming saying she had other obligations.

They didn’t mind that their family wouldn’t be on their wedding. Both had expected it. The doctors of Seattle Grace were their friends and meant so much more to them. For Erica and Callie they were family.  So they invited all their colleagues.

At work Erica had lost the name “Ice Queen” and she tried to be nicer and less harsh to her colleagues. Callie’s accident made her realise that even though they were thinking about sex too much and gossiping too much, that they meant a lot to her. So she tried to be more accessible at work.  No one was complaining about Dr. Hahn losing her Ice Queen face. Only Cristina found it weird that she couldn’t fight with Hahn anymore.

After months of preparation, the wedding date had finally approached.  They would have the ceremony in their garden. They had decorated it and just to be sure, they had put a tent in the garden too.  You could never really trust Seattle weather.  They both didn’t want a traditional wedding party, so they had decided on a barbecue buffet. Everyone they had invited, was coming to the wedding.

As Callie wanted to spend the night before the wedding away from Erica, she went to Cristina’s. In the morning then, Erica would come to pick her up.

So now Callie was standing in her old bedroom, getting ready for her wedding.  If someone had told her two years ago that she would be marrying a woman, she would have told that person to see a psychiatrist.  But now she couldn’t imagine marrying someone else then Erica.

At their house, Erica was a bundle of nerves. She wanted everything to be perfect for their wedding. She glanced at the clock.  Callie would get here in 30 minutes and she still wasn’t dressed.  Never in her life had she been more nervous then now, not even when she had to do her first solo surgery.  After the rocky start they had taken, she would never have believed that she would ever get married to Callie. Hell, she never considered her to be a marrying person, but like so many things, Callie had changed that too.  Callie had changed her so much and she was forever grateful for that.  Callie had found the real Erica again, the one that was hidden beneath tons of bricks.  Callie had removed the bricks one by one, till she was standing naked before her and Callie could see all of her.  Now she couldn’t imagine the life she had before Callie came into her life.  She never wanted to be surrounded by bricks again.

She picked up the box with the rings in it and opened it.  She had never been a person to wear any rings but she couldn’t wait to put this ring on her finger.

She quickly put on her clothes and went downstairs to wait for Callie.

The bell to the front door rang. Erica felt her heart skip a beat.  Slowly she went to the front door and opened it.  What she saw took her breath away.

“You have never looked more beautiful, Callie…”

crash boom bang, fanfiction, callie/erica

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