Writer's Block: Proven by Science

Aug 12, 2009 16:56

No, I don't believe everything has a scientific explanation.
Scientists in biological studies are constantly perplexed by the idea that we are even alive. They have been able to dissect any animal or specific functioning organ but have been unable to find the "life force" behind it that enables it to live. Life itself doesn't have a sure-fire explanation. In my opinion nothing can have a scientific explanation when it isn't even able to be determined why we are here. While I do believe in the scientific discoveries made I am also forced to believe that many of the findings aren't entirely true. There are skeptics in every walk of life including science. Who's to say all that the scientists say is true? There are a lot of disagreeing scientists in almost every discovery made. This could mean that a lot of our "findings" are wrong or maybe we just aren't supposed to know the truth. Maybe the reason we're here is just to fumble around trying to find out why we're here and failing. Maybe that's the lesson in life. To learn to fail.
I don't believe everything has a scientific explanation.

writer's block

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