Vids that are rocking my world right now.

Aug 11, 2010 21:31

Soooo I'm pretty sure none of these vids are from Vividcon 2010, but to me Vividcon season is vid-watching season and that's when I go back through rec posts (sol_se's, mostly - she is awesome for those) and actually pay attention to the brilliant vidly things done in my fandoms.

And my discussion is totally full of spoilers for Doctor Who Season 5, just so you know. Also I plan to go on about the vids a bit, so you might just watch them first and then come back if you want to see a lot of discussion.

1) Stuck to You, humansrsuperior. Doctor Who Season 5, Eleven/Amy/Rory YAY.

So it should come as no surprise that I SHIP THESE THREE LIKE A THING THAT IS SHIPPED. Their love is PURE and TRUE and VERY COMPLICATED what with the whole evil-robot incident and the almost-eloping and the recreating the entire universe from scratch, even before you get to the interplanetary polyamory. But I do not care because they are in LOVE and I will not be persuaded otherwise.

So this is a wacky OT3 ship vid, and it has reassured me that even my meta-shriveled soul can enjoy something lighthearted. It's also just really beautifully edited - I'm a sucker for internal movement, especially internal movement on melodic cues.

2) Change of Time,
greensilver. Doctor Who Season 5. Also Eleven/Amy/Rory, but about Rory this time.

So what I love about these two vids together is that they use a whole lot of the same clips and clip pairings to tell two extremely different stories about how Rory, Amy, and the Doctor all love each other very much. The first one is about dancing and space shenanigans. This one is about time and memory and sacrifice. I love it so. I do. It also makes me teary, guys, with the thing with the evil robots and the silly roman hat. See? Two different songs, two different vidders, wildly different stories. I love fanvidding for this reason.

3) Call Me Uprising,
such_heights. Doctor Who Season 5, Amy and Eleven.

So this is kind of different but I want to end this round of recs and nattering about vids with it because I think it's so interesting. Here's my reading, which is not authoritative at all and could in fact be like that time when I thought the song was about a cult and it was actually about hugs:

First, it's got that awesome mashup fanvid format where the two songs represent the two characters, and the combination of the two songs becomes about the way the characters fit together.

What I love about Amy's part of this is that it's got an interesting duality to me, because it's kind of about Amy looking at things. Amy spends the first half of the vid basically perceiving, gazing, peering, etc. And if you think about (at least what I grasped of) the metaphysics of the finale, that was actually the most powerful thing Amy has ever done - perceived the universe, and then remembered it. At the same time, looking - absorbing things and letting them color you - is very passive. And there's this lovely bridge where she breaks through that passivity and puts memory into action, and it is awesome and she is awesome. Is she interrogating the text? Can we make a metaphor? I vote PERHAPS.

And I love the Doctor's half. Because at first it seems to be about him, but it's really about his dynamic with the humans around him, isn't it? It's about their agency and their choices and their kickassitude. Just a thought - the new Doctor is pretty democratic for a demigod, isn't he? It's hard to believe that he was once the guy that laurashapiro's The Lonely People or Seah and Margie's Handlebars is about.

I'm just saying. I like Eleven pretty okay. And his human posse, they can stick around too.

This contains LOTS of me trying to explain what I think vids are really about, really, when you get right down to it. YMMV, I just love interrogating the text from any perspective at all. <3 fanvids.

apparently i meta, vid recs

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