Tripped out

Sep 17, 2008 23:01

Today has been one of those days. You know. The kind of days that exist for the sole purpose of making you think and question existence and the elements that make up your life experiences. And it all started yesterday after my trip.

This gets pretty intense... )

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Comments 2

coconut_theory September 18 2008, 13:38:59 UTC
I love you, Vivi! I'm sorry you had such a horrible day...and I don't think it was karma for stealing some pithy ice cream. Things will get better!! Don't forget to come to Atlanta someday! I'll take you to the Aquarium!


sapita_loca September 19 2008, 05:00:49 UTC
YAY!!!!!! Well the day wasn't so terrible in the end. It was just so crazy I had to write about it. I'm good now =D And I will go to Atlanta!!! I just never get weekends off =( Maybe I should just go for a day if I don't get a trip on a Saturday... Hmm... idea!


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