(no subject)

Oct 12, 2008 23:01

aaawwwhh!!! this is sooo crazy!! tomorrow, i have to wear a boyscout's tie and a sunglasses to campusssss!! AWWWWWWWWW!!! and when i had a lil' chat with my friend, she said:

ein ^_^ says:
Amazing bgt deh  
ein ^_^ says:
Ky tkng pijit
dhea says:

yes. tukang pijit is good. hahaha. we like it! yes! hahaa.

actually, all of us must wear a boyscout's tie, minus the sunglasses. but but but, my friend named miyo, ruined the rule. he wasn't wear the tie! sooooo,, tomorrow, all of communication class have to wear a tukang pijit's style! OMG!

kill him! burn him! bite him! axe him! saw him! *i mean gergaji! hhaha.

aaaawwwhhhh!! i miss my lazyness! hahaha. sounds COOL, right? hahaha. ooowhh i miss my high school life! i don't like campus life! campus life is tooooooo hectic! and many reason that i DON'T wanna tell youuu. hahaa.


oke. off.


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