This is the current list of modifications to the 4th edition rules for this campaign. This list will probably grow and otherwise alter over time as our understanding of the new ruleset and how it interacts with the spirit of this campaign's setting develops.
Healing Surge and Second Wind
- Second Wind is removed from the game
- First Aid, instead of triggering Second Wind, simply allows the target to trigger a Healing Surge
- In order for First Aid to allow its target to trigger a healing surge First Aid must continue uninterrupted for 10 minutes.
- During the application of First Aid neither the giver nor the receiver is "resting".
Abilities that move a target
Abilities that use the Martial power source to move a target via a call or taunt with no physical contact or physical maneuvering and don't require any sort of attack roll are removed from the game. Similarly abilities that have meet the above criteria except DO require an attack roll BUT still move the target on Effect, the move on Effect is instead ONLY on Hit.
Creating Magic Items, Disenchanting Magic Items
The secrets behind the enchanting of items, brewing of magical potions and scribing of scrolls are highly prized and very, very difficult to come by. Those who know these secrets either do not set them down on paper or it is impossible to do so. No wizard ever teaches such secrets to an apprentice or a peer.
Why? Perhaps if you knew such secrets you would understand why they are so well kept.
Magical spells and rituals that in the PHB purport to permanently endow an item with some magical effect are either not available or are modified to be non-permanent. Such spells and rituals will be reviewed as necessary on a case-by-case basis in game.
The ritual Disenchant Magic Item is fully removed from the game. It is often quite possible to destroy a magical item, but in so doing one does not somehow salvage whatever magic was bound to the item.