Apr 21, 2008 21:19

JuanVerdi tagged me with this. I'm supposed to mention 7 facts/quirks about myself then tag 7 other people. He tagged nearly my entire friends list, and anyone on my friends list he didn't tag is extremely unlikely to participate anyway. If you feel like meta-tagging yourself after reading this then go ahead (there's a rule prohibiting me from tagging "whoever feels like doing this" but no rule against me inviting others to meta-tag themselves).

1. I cannot stand it when people chew with their mouths open. If I am eating then I'm much less bothered by it. If I'm not eating and I'm hungry then I quickly bypass irritation and anger, going straight to rage. In this situation it is extremely difficult for me to remain rational about it.

2. I won't use urinals. If I try then I can't pee. I absolutely must use a stall.

3. I don't like asking for things, even things I'm perfectly entitled to. If I'm a guest and I'm offered something, such as a drink, I will almost always decline. Usually I won't accept until the third offering, unless I'm feeling particularly neurotic in which case multiple offerings will only irritate me.

4. I get so much non-spam email that I tend to ignore anything that doesn't look urgent.

5. I'm nearly phobic about telephones. Before I talk on the phone I usually need to work myself up for it, and when it comes to placing a call I'll be paralyzed--unable to dial--if someone other than the intended recipient might answer the call.

6. I worked in a call center for a few years.

7. I still occasionally have Burger King management nightmares. They are very stressful and disturbing and when I have one it's often impossible to go back to sleep afterwards.
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