(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 11:20

soon christmas wll be here and I shall have much merry making and fun. i havent really made an update in a while. the last one doesnt count, i was going to update but was interrupted so i wrote the most random thing i could think of. Well, everything's been goin ok for me. gonna watch the Patrick Stewart version of Christmas Carol tonight right after i finish this power point for history. God I hate NPR! No good, biased, hippie bastards. *turns radio off* Well, still nothing spectacular is happening down here so ima gonna stop rambling and post an incredibly long survey.

Have you ever...
1. Fallen for your neighbor? no
2. Made out with just a friend? no
3. Been rejected? yep
..where's #4??
5. Used someone? I'm sure I have, though not intentionally
6. Been used? yes
7. Been Kissed? on the cheek
8. Done something you regret? yep, lots of things

Who was the last person...
10. You talked to? Prof. McKinney
11. You hugged? my pillow
12. You instant messaged? Jerry Price
13. You are missing? All my louisville and high school buddies
14. You called? Grandpa
15. You yelled at? some stupid woman doing 40 on the highway
16. You laughed with? Andrew
17. Who broke your heart? that's my buisness
18. Who told you they loved you? Grandpa
19. You kissed? ...

Do you, have you...

20. Have a Birthmark? no
21. Piercings? no
where's 22?
23. Own your own house? no
24. Own a nice car? no
25. Speak any languages other than english? some German
26. Cook your own Dinner? most times
27. Color your hair? no
28. Have green eyes? moer of a hazel
29. Stolen anything? stole a USB mouse from a jackass in highschool
30. Smoked? tried once, will never do it again
31. Taken drugs? nothing illegal
32. Obsessive? sometimes
33. Shot a gun? nothing bigger than 9mm
34. Done something illegal? wouldn't surprise me
35. Panic? every now and then
36. Anxiety? sometimes
37. Depressed? haha, who isn't?
38. Control Freak? sometimes
39. Obsessed with hate? nope

Other Questions

40. If you were a cartoon character, who would you be like? Griff from Red vs Blue
41. If you could be anywhere, where would it be and with who? Italy and any one of my friends
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? no
43. What feature do you find most attractive on girls/guys? eyes and smile
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? mebbe. depends on their politics.
45. Would you marry for money? no
46. Have you had braces? yep
47. Do you wear lip gloss? no
48. Do you sing in the shower? no
49. Do you play any sports? not anymore
50. Could you live without a computer? the very thought gives me the jibblies
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo? AIM and Yahoo
52. If so, how many people are on your list? AIM - 29, Yahoo - 2
53. If you could live in any past where would it be? late 40's
54. Do you wear white socks? yep
55. Do you wear shoes? yep
56. What is your favorite fruit? apple
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? wheat
58. What is your favorite place to visit or would like to visit? Italy
59. Fav DVD? um...Christmas Carol
60. Do you kiss on the first date? no
61. Are you photogenic? I dont think so
62. Do you dream in color or black? color
where's 63?
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? when i can get it
65. Do you have dimples? no
66. Do you remember being born? no
67. Why do you take surveys? because I don't want to finish homework
68. Do you drink alcohol? a little when im home
69. Do you like high school? on and off. some of it sucked some of it didn't.
70. What is the best accent? russian
71. Who do you want to kiss? i dont know
72. Do you like sunsets? yeah, sure
73. Do you want to live to be 100? no
74. If not, why? cause being a crochet old man can only be fun till seventy.
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? no
76. Are you loyal? yep
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? within reason
78. Is music your life? nope, but I love it
79. Do you like scary movies? yeah
80. Do you think you can draw well? hell no
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? 10 years old
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? 3: 1 tennis shoes, 1 dress shoes, 1 work boots
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday? usually the tennis shoes
84. Do you write poetry? sometimes
85. Snore? yep
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? depends on the night
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs? dogs
88. Do you lick stamps? I did before they started making most of them with sticky sides instead
89. Do you use an electric can opener? nope. no school like the old school
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? no
91. Like your name? sure
92. Were you named after anyone? yes my grandfathers
93. Do you wish on stars? no. a ball of gas cant help me.
94. Which finger is your favorite? my right index finger
95. When did you last cry? saturday night
96. What is your favorite band? that's tough...um...i'll go with Trans-Siberian Orchestra
97. Who do you admire? many people
98. What is the number 1 priority in your life? quality of life
99. What is your favorite day of the week? Thursday
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