Today. Or, technically yesterday considering the time.

Nov 18, 2004 02:17

David called, waking me, and asked if I would like to hit Tizzle Chizzle's with Amanda and him. (That's Timmy Chan's for those who do not speak izzle. God, I am cool.) I do! Amanda, having been seduced by my mongolian beef's scent last time we all went together, declares that she will get some. That sounds awesomely dirty. We get the food, return, watch Requiem For A Dream. That movie is fucked up. Jennifer Connelly is a babe. That movie was so messed up, that it features a scene with her, naked, that is actually not hot. Yeah, it was good.

Then David and I went grocery shopping. Diet Pepsi Vanilla $2 a twelve pack!


After cleaning my pants, I put 4 in the buggy. Only because that was the limit! Damn them!

We get outside, when it's pouring down raining, and I run to the truck to prepare it ahead of Monsieur David. I run with long, bounding strides, no matter what anyone says! Don't believe the lies!

We then hit Hong Kong for some sauces. We go to the checkout, and the old Asian lady cashier there makes a curling motion out from the corner of her eye at David, smiling. After a moment, apparently with some difficulty in speaking English, she tells David that he has "very nice" eyelashes.


It was awesome. David, your eyelashes are very luscious and full and lovely.



David drops me off and I commence to planning out my schedule for the next semester. Good news: I have ONE core class left to take care of. Bad news: my hours next semester are gonna suck. Right now it's looking like

Monday: 4-5:30. Not bad!

Tuesday/Thursday: 1-7, one hour and a half break. Geh. But I'll live.

Wednesday: 4-10. 10! I would capitalize that if I could. Actually, here: 10!

Wah wah woe is me. The 7-10 class is History of Cinema, for my (final core requirement) communications credit, and also for honors credit. Apparently we'll just watch a bunch of movies and review them in class. Shouldn't be too bad in light of that.

My other courses are:

Math 3339, Statistics. Only taking it cause compsci requires it.

Math 3363, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (Honors). I am looking forward to this one in a nerdy way.

Compsci 2410, Computer Organization and Programming (aka Assembly). Hoping assembly doesn't suck too much.

Compsci 3340, Introduction to Automata and Computability. Also looking forward to this one.

Looking forward to next semester, will be my first where I really get to dig into my majors.

It is now 2:30. That is later than I wanted to stay up. I think perhaps I won't be going to Starbucks this morning after all, sorry David :(
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