Be wary! This is sexy and nerdy and funny enough that you may find yourself watching it a few times, which may lead to a serious ear worm!
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If the embed doesn't work, here's a direct link (there's a link to a free mp3 download there, too):
Neutra Face : An Ode On A Typeface (A Bearded Poker Face Parody) .
ETA: I discovered the video at
Sociological Images. They're having an interesting conversation there about gendered postures. I highly recommend
The Codes of Gender: Identity and Performance in Pop Culture, as well as
Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video. I may update in a minute with my thoughts.
ETA2: So much of gender is performative. And for the most part, I am repelled by male performances of pop culture masculinity, but often attracted to men incorporating elements of pop culture femininity into their appearance and body language. I find a lot of performative femininity off-putting, too, but it's typically when the performance is strictly intended for the male gaze, and isn't reflective of any actual enjoyment on the part of the person being gazed upon. The lead performer in Neutra Face is attractive, but what makes him sexy is the smooth sinuousness of his movements (which is typically coded as feminine) and the way his focus shifts inward (heavy lids, closed eyes, spontaneous movements) in sexual/sensual/erotic enjoyment (also typically coded as feminine behavior). And it works for me because he does seem to be enjoying himself. I can easily imagine myself moving and reacting in the ways he is in the video, and the way it feels in my mind is pleasurable.