Writing Ponderings

May 25, 2010 10:34

Meta subject line is meta. Also, yay, look I'm not dead!

Okay! Am sitting here at school and working on my FFI story. And, probably because I had my math class earlier, I started math-ing it. And now y'all are getting it inflicted on you.

First Draft:

427 pages
227,100 words

Current progress on Final Draft:

Completed through: Chapter 31
Current total word-count: 220,000, approx.
Percentage of draft completed: 60%
Percentage of First Draft content covered: 50%

IN OTHER WORDS, I've completed 60% of the chapters, and covered half of the story as it stands in Draft One. Also, this half a story is currently as long as the Draft One full story. This is purely because of the addition of necessary details re. world-building, characterization, plot, etc.

Based on all this, and because I'm apparently insane, I did math of my own free will to estimate how long this story is going to be by the time it's done. Thus, we now have minimum and maximum projected word-counts, worked out depending on how much extension is likely to be done during the second half: minimum based on no noticable extension, maximum based on another doubling of content. So, here we are.

Projected Total Word-Count for Final Fantasy I Novelization

Minimum: 340,700

Maximum: 454,200

Mean/Average: 397,450

I'm betting it will be pretty close to the mean, but time will tell. 'Time' here meaning 'the next seven and a half months', as I'm determined to get this finished by the time my brother gets home from his mission. Let's all see if I can pull it off!

Copy-pasted from my dA journal, yo.

~ Saphy ~
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